Thursday, September 05, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Carry on readerless.

SEPTEMBER 6 UPDATE: I know it's being cruel, but here's the Twitter analytics from my last seven days:

1.1 million impressions in one week. We now return you to Patrick's 25 views.

One of these things is not like the other:

And I see that poor Patrick is still hashtagging his childish petulance with "#cdnpoli" in a desperate attempt to get more readers.

That does not appear to be working.


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Singh has achieved most of what he wanted from the supply agreement. PP is wetting his pants with glee because he ordered Singh to end the agreement and now Singh has "complied". Unfortunately, the agreement always looked at each piece of legislation on a case by case basis, and the NDP will continue to do so. Singh just got tired of the agreement being called a "coalition" when it never was.

    If Singh is so concerned about vesting a pension he won't start collecting for 20 years, he must also want even more to collect about $140K in salary from feb 2025 to october 2025.

    So PP won't get his early election he desperately wants before the US election.

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I guess there's still a hope this won't force an election. Singh still got played like a fiddle though.

  3. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thursday nights are busy for pats-it's the mma pro wrestling wankfest in the lloyd.
    Should drum up a little traffic for the boys ego.
