Friday, August 16, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Keep providing that evidence.

As I pointed out recently, I have attracted my own personal, obsessed online stalker in one Patrick "Super Mullet Kid Cash Thunderbolt etc etc etc" Ross, who seems determined to comment on every single thing I tweet. First, it is amusing that poor Patrick still gets almost no views as no one wants to read his perpetual bitching and moaning:

More significantly, every one of those creepy rebuttals is being added to my collection of evidence that Patrick seems to have plenty of time to yap on social media, while claiming to be too busy to proceed with his defamation lawsuit against me. I can assure you, the court will not be amused, but Patrick is invited to continue digging that hole.

Most people whose spectacularly self-destructive life choices end up with them being $120,000 in debt and an undischarged bankrupt who has been found liable for malicious defamation might take a minute and rethink their choices. Apparently not.

P.S. Regarding Casa Ross and its alleged preparation for being put on the market, a reminder that I have online access to knowing when that house goes on the market, I have online access to Saskatchewan land title information, and I have a Lloyd-based confidential informant who is keeping me up to date on daily developments.

So, yeah, I have a handle on the situation.

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