Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Happy 3-YEAR Interestversary!

Hard to believe that it's been three long years since a Saskatchewan judge told undischarged bankrupt and self-described bikini designer Patrick "The Dangers of Home Schooling" Ross how much he owed me, while cranking up the interest rate on all that dosh to five percent:


Nothing really new to report so we can sum up Patrick's life as, let's see, going on 15 years since I went after him for defaming me and getting my $85,000 default judgment against him because he was too arrogant to even submit a defence; chasing him around Alberta for a couple years during which he was found in contempt of court twice; Patrick declaring personal bankruptcy while lecturing everyone else on how conservatives are the party of accountability and personal responsibility; getting his ass kicked at his bankruptcy discharge hearing by a Registrar who effectively called him an unprincipled weasel; getting a truly favourable Conditional Discharge Order that he ignored to the point where I had him removed from the protection of bankruptcy, thus reinstating the full amount of what he owed me plus all those years of interest; ignoring numerous settlement offers over the years, including one for the paltry sum of $10,000 that could have made all this go away years ago; my currently having a collections order against Patrick in the province of Saskatchewan and, finally ...

... if rumours are to be believed, Patrick's sole "residence" -- the home of his late, deranged parents -- perhaps being prepped for sale, leaving Patrick with no permanent residence other than whatever crap room he's renting while making a living as a "swamper" in the black fly-infested environs of northern Alberta and gorging himself on greaseburgers while wondering why women just aren't hitting on him like they used to.

Have I missed anything? Oh, and he currently owes me in excess of $120,000, an amount going up several hundreds of dollars per month as he dithers and dawdles about how to proceed with his execrably stupid and meritless defamation lawsuit against me, knowing that any effort to move it forward will require him to interact with the court system, where I guarantee there will be various legal parties waiting for him when he shows up.

So, yeah, Patrick's life is going swimmingly. It reminds one of that time many years ago that Patrick challenged me to bring the pain:

Excuse me while I return to my 12,000+ adoring followers on Twitter, and leave Patrick wondering where he's going to live come October.


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    What sort of proof do you have that Casa Ross is going on the market? I saw that anonymous comment a few days ago, but there didn't seem to be any proof. Do you have any? It sure would be interesting to think that, in a couple of months, Patrick won't have a real place to live.

  2. Anon @ 7:35 AM: No, I have no actual proof. I've seen the same anonymous comment you have; beyond that, nothing. It does seem plausible that this is happening since it's been over a year and one suspects that family of gormless hillbillies might be itching to unload that place and take the cash but, so far, it is only an unsubstantiated anonymous claim.

  3. Twatsy seems awfully sensitive about explaining one's online activities to "loved ones." Wonder how that's gonna go for him...

    "We can't ever sell the Lloydminster house because I need a place to live. I owe this Canadian Cynic guy $120,000 because I'm, well....I said something like...ummm...he's a balls-deep tax-and-spend liberal. Pretty sure that's what pissed off that idiot bleeding heart liberal activist judge. Dad was proud of me for upholding our hillbilly conservative rants!"

    "DragonfireAfterDark? Ummm...can't say I know anything about that. Yeah, whoever that is was publishing porno stories right after mom died. Must be a coincidence!"

    "It's rapists, robbers and murderers taking pictures of the Lloydminster house! It has nothing to do with my online activities and longtime evasion of ummm...some financial issues."

  4. Further to that, if the backlog in the probate courts is in the range of 6 months to a year, and presuming that Saskatchewan Probate is like Alberta’s (and it’s probably broadly similar), once the Probate is approved, the clock starts ticking on executing the will - and they typically give about 6 months to get the inventory in place and ready for distribution.

    The executor has a very limited ability to “sit on” things unless the will is tangled up in legal wrangling.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    So how can Patrick's family play games to try to keep any profits from you if the house is sold? What if it's simply transferred into the name of one of the siblings? What can you do?

  6. Anon @ 12:29 PM: I can't address all of the hypothetical weirdness these people might be planning, but I can address some of it.

    First, if the will leaves the house exclusively to Patrick, it's mine. Well, not entirely, I can't take the whole thing, but I've been assured I absolutely have the right to force him to sell it in aid of paying me the full amount he owes me (unless he can pay me off some other way, which seems unlikely). So if Patrick gets the house, I get my money one way or the other, and if has to sell it to pay me, he ends up not having a place to live.

    If the house is sold to a third party and the money is split among the siblings, I can file to take Patrick's share. And he ends up with nowhere to live (other than on the road).

    If the house goes to one of the siblings, I can't imagine they'd just let Patrick continue to live there for cheap or free, as that would be a total waste of an expensive asset. Who'd want to own a house that isn't making them money?

    I'm sure there are lots of other scenarios, but many of them involve either Patrick having to hand over a pile of money, and/or Patrick not having a place to live after October. I guess we'll just wait and see.

  7. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Do you have to pay tax on this interest or is it part of the settlement?

  8. non @ 1:55 PM: All of this is tax-free as it is all considered "damages" for which I am being compensated.
