Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Time for a probate lawyer, methinks.

As a followup to yesterday's post wherein I verified that, according to the provincial entity that tracks land titles in Saskatchewan, the property that is Casa Ross is still listed under the names of both of Patrick's deceased parents, and it has been over a year since his father passed, so it does make one wonder what is happening with that property and whether maybe it's being contested.

To that end, I think I'm going to find me a probate lawyer who might be able to dig into this and figure out what (if anything) is going on, and I'm open to recommendations. It might not be necessary to find someone directly in Lloydminster, but I suspect finding someone in Saskatchewan would still be a good idea, so if any of my loyal fans know of someone who could be a good fit for this, drop me a note.

I'm not ready to do anything drastic just yet, but I do want all the information I can get my hands on.


  1. There is a non-zero chance that it signifies nothing. When my uncle passed away at the height of Covid, it took two years or so to settle his estate. There might still be a processing backlog even now. (Then again, we're talking about Patrick, so there is a bigger chance that there is indeed some fuckery afoot)

  2. Foog: Anything is possible, but at least I now have the ability to check the land title for that property whenever I feel like it so I'll know if anything changes. And I will be checking it frequently.

  3. Soooo...are Ezra Levant and Rebel Media soliciting donations to "save Jasper"? Are they organizing a bus to drive to Jasper to help rebuild "when the time is right"?

  4. @ROD: Ezra Rebuild Jasper? Nah - it's full of hippy-dippy types who eat granola and want to protect the planet. Not like Ft McMurray which is full of manly men types ... or something like that.
