Saturday, January 13, 2024

Chronicles of Twatrick: Oh, my ...

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt currently on the run from the authorities and who has been found in contempt of court twice will now lecture the rest of us on the importance of the law.

At this point, he has to be trolling me. There's no other explanation.


  1. Nah, he's just a hypocrite.

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Yet the folks from the freedom convoy shouldn't be charged with crimes, because you know, conservative.

    Triple chin is a walking oxy + moron.

  3. This is what the right is about. To them, law and order is important, but it does not involve stuff like "equality under the law" or judges being disinterested or any of that stuff. The point of the law is to crush people who aren't one of us and let people who are one of us get away with murder--often quite literally.

  4. Methinks his trolling is "boomeranging" on him.
