Thursday, September 07, 2023

I ask again, why are these donations tax deductible?


Is there not a single journalist who has the gumption to ask Canada Revenue Agency why donations to defend Tamara Lich on criminal charges entitles those donors to charitable tax receipts?

P.S. Note the hideous misrepresentation in the above, as that fundraiser page so clearly tries to downplay the severity of the charges:

"Tamara has been charged with several minor, non-violent offences including mischief."

You see this a lot ... "Gosh, it's only 'mischief', what's the big deal? Talk about an over-reaction!" And yet, it falls to the National Post, well over a year ago, to explain what that charge might encompass [emphasis tail-waggingly added]:

A mischief charge under the Criminal Code is extremely flexible, covering a wide range of possible offences from interfering with computer data to mischief endangering life or causing death....

Kicking a wall could result in a fine, while mischief to a war memorial or blocking significant portions of downtown could see up to 10 years of jail time, Toronto criminal lawyer Karen McArthur said.

In the most severe cases the maximum sentence is life imprisonment, Peters said.

So can we knock off this shit of, "Hey, it's only mischief"?

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