Thursday, August 24, 2023

The stupid ... it burns ...

This is the level of dumbfuck stupid we're dealing with:

It is neither the government nor the courts that have anything to do with this; it is the College of Psychologists of Ontario that have clear professional standards for its members, and Peterson is violating those standards.

The level of idiocy in the above two tweets is, frankly, gobsmacking.


  1. These are simply alternate facts. Duh.

  2. Anonymous1:23 PM

    It’s also telling that the right won’t settle for any sort of accountability or personal responsibility under any circumstances. They want the ability to say what they want when they want and accuracy or honesty or facts or logic don’t factor in at all.

  3. I wonder how much is genuine dumb-fuckery vs. they know the basic facts, but are writing lies to rile up their dumb-fuck audience.

    This I wonder about so many right-wingers.

  4. One thing that makes it all so much more horribly ridiculous is these same people's absolute insistence on . . . muzzling free speech. Whether it's speech about gay stuff, mentioning that enslaving black people might have been bad, saying anything uncomplimentary about Israel or whatever other hobby horse, suddenly free speech absolutism is completely forgotten and it's shut up or get fined or jailed. NOT just ejected from a professional association by that professional association, fined or jailed by the actual government telling you what you can't say.

  5. I wonder what it's like to be willfully immune to facts and logic? Must be bliss! Makes one wonder why alt-rights are always so angry when their lives are so blissful?
