Wednesday, June 14, 2023

It's official -- Twitter will not be restoring my "canadiancynic" account.

As I reported yesterday, Twitter decided to suspend my account (putting it in "read-only" mode), ostensibly for the following idiotic reason:

Naturally, I appealed, pointing out that that meme was a take-off of a scene from the movie "Fargo," that it was a bit ridiculous to think I was seriously encouraging conservatives to be murdered violently, and that a simple Twitter search would show pretty much an infinite number of Twitterers espousing the same sentiment (go ahead, search on "woodchipper" and tell me what you find).

None of the above made any difference:

So it appears that I have once again been suspended by Twitter due to the whiny, political interference of one Senator Denise Batters, who was responsible for my earlier 5-year ban and who apparently has no problem misusing her political influence to stifle her critics.

If you're reading this and have a Twitter account, feel free to point out these recent developments, as I obviously can't explain to my 12K followers where I suddenly went. Maybe it's time to move to another platform. Suggestions?

P.S. It is moderately entertaining to watch various Canadian right-wingers -- those of the "free speech, no more cancel culture" ilk -- celebrating my suspension, blissfully unaware of their own rancid hypocrisy. Same as it ever was.

BONUS TRACK: Despite the obvious futility of trying to get justice from the increasingly Nazi-infested right-wing social media platform that is Twitter, I submitted one more appeal:

Note well that I'm asking Twitter Support to simply confirm that my suspension was based on that single tweet, which would establish just how indefensible their suspension policies are when it comes to "leftists." My prediction? The reply will not address that, it will simply repeat the vague and uninformative, "After review, your account will remain suspended."

Let's watch.

WELL, THAT TOOK NO TIME AT ALL: Within five minutes of my submitting the above appeal, I received the following:

In short, no one at Twitter even looked at that appeal -- it seems obvious that my account has been flagged as "Auto-reject any appeals." And note how my prediction was dead-on.

How very open-minded of them.

OMFG ... As an experiment, I decided to test whether paying for a blue check mark would unlock my account; that is, it was a test to see whether Twitter's vaunted Terms of Service enforcement would be casually waived as long as I handed over a few dollars. You'll never guess what happened next. OK, you probably can.

Twitter happily took my ten dollars, and left the account suspended.

I'm really past the point of being surprised anymore.

AFTERSNARK: Anonymous commenter opines:

"One gets the feeling that delicate hate-wingers report en masse."

In fact, that is precisely what they do, as here is neo-Nazi and white nationalist Keean Bexte encouraging his followers to do just that to me:

He really is a gutless piece of work.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm bemused by the dullards that think Musk is some kind of free speech warrior genius.

    Twitter is a vector for hate and stupidity (often the same).

  2. It's amusing to notice how, over the years, so many right-wing troglodytes openly called for women to be raped, or threatened to do the raping personally, and so on and so on, only to have their targets complain to Twitter and be told, "We have examined the tweets in question, and have determined that they do not violate our Terms of Service." On the other hand, it's truly head-shaking how the most innocuous criticism from the Left merits instant suspension.

    My tweet suggested that hypocritical conservatives should be stuffed into a woodchipper. Does anyone believe that I was promoting that idea *seriously*? That it wasn't satire? What if I had demanded that all of those hypocrites be loaded into a rocket and fired into the Sun? Suspension?

    A few years back, a friend was suspended for (I believe) 12 hours for allegedly suggesting someone harm themselves. His tweet? "Go stick your head in a bucket."

    And yet, if you peruse Twitter these days, feel free to notice how many right-wingers are quite seriously suggesting that the answer to a lot of their gripes can be found in the Second Amendment.

    Go figure.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    One gets the feeling that delicate hate-wingers report en masse.

  4. Back when I was on that toxic service I posted somehthing about a petulant conservative holding their breath till they turn blue to get their way. I got suspended for advocating self harm. Twatter is fucked, Mastodon FTW!

  5. So, what is your next move? Twitter isn't the only show in town as far as social media goes; and there are some promising new sites/apps available.
