Friday, December 02, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: Change of direction.

So my application for summary judgment didn't work today as I failed to file sufficient paperwork, but as it turns out, it doesn't matter as, only a few days ago, I was told that there is a much more effective approach I should have taken, so I'm going to do that instead.

In any event, time to prepare for the holidays. Gin and wagyu for everyone!

P.S. Judge actually opined that it looked like I had a pretty strong case, but I already have what is apparently a better idea so I'm going with that.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    So Twatrick lied to the court about the bankruptcy and garnishment orders? Correct me if I'm wrong here but wouldn't just showing the court receipts of the monies you've already received from said garnishments be enough to prove perjury on Twatrick's part?

  2. So did he show up?

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Can't wait to see this unfold, and I'm glad you're back on Twitter. My mom followed you and really liked how you don't pull your punches. Hope Twatsy gets his comeuppance, it's been LONG overdue. Hope you have a happy holiday CC... good to have you back

  4. thwap: Patrick attended virtually, despite the judge making it clear that virtual attendance was meant for *remote* attendees, not people who just didn't feel like coming in.

    Anon@1:26 PM: There was no lying on Patrick's part as there was effectively no hearing, hence no opportunity for lying on *anyone's* part. The hearing was, in effect, a no-op all around.

  5. Anon@9:34 PM: Yes, that's the image I was going for, "My mom really missed you." Tell her she completes me.

  6. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Re how to cook basmati rice. Rinse rice several times. Use a pot with a heavy lid. Ratio of rice to water 1:2. Let rice sit in water for 15 min. Add some salt and butter if desired. Bring to a rolling boil, then turn it down to simmer and put the lid on the pot. Cook for 10 min. Turn off the heat and let it sit for 5 min. Fluff and serve.
