Tuesday, November 08, 2022

I'm sure this will end well for CBC.

Good riddance:

I look forward to CBC announcing that the new host of "Power & Politics" is Sheila Gunn Reid. Or possibly Brian Lilley.


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Did you mean "CTV"?

  2. Nope ... as bad as Kapelos was, I have complete faith in the CBC to fuck it up even worse.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    With the CBC not being overly beholden to $$$ (they are financed in part by taxpayers), you'd think that maybe they could focus on getting real journalists that would excel at presenting the news... but sadly no...

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      CBC, like all media, is scared to death if doing their jobs if accurate and honest reporting is going to trigger the right. So like all media, they water down their coverage to always be fair to a bad faith group who has no intention of ever listening anyway. It’s bad enough when corporate media starts to try and be more fair to fascists and liars…but when publicly funded media no longer cares about facts and honest journalism or ensuring an informed electorate? We’ve got problems.
