Monday, September 26, 2022

Too little. Too late. Sit down.

OFFS ...

But now ...

Shut up. Please, just shut up.

P.S. I don't think people recognize the fundamental problem Bromwich has here, and it's that, regardless of what people think of Stella Luna, it seems spectacularly unethical for Bromwich to be promoting a private business as part of her political campaign. What is it about Stella Luna that Bromwich thinks entitles them to free publicity as part of her campaign?


  1. Isn't Stella Luna a bat? What would that have to do with frozen desserts?

  2. Anonymous2:23 PM

    She should be apologizing for the tweet, instead she "apologize to anyone and everyone hurt by my tweet".

    That's a fine non-apology...

    The KKKonvoy were the alt-right, Nazis, separatists (Alberta style) and wanted to overthrow the government.

    What's her background?
    "Rebecca Jaremko Bromwich is an adjunct with the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University.

    Her full time role is as Manager, Diversity and Inclusion for the law firm Gowling WLG for their offices in Canada and Russia. Prior to taking on that position, she served as Program Director for the Graduate Diploma in Conflict Resolution program at Carleton."

    Oh my...

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    As for Stella Luna, it's clear that the owner did support the lunatic fringe:
    "“Now I’m giving you $250 and taking food down to the truckers every day. Thank you for continuing to fight for Canadians across this country,” she wrote.

    Giuliani confirmed she made the donation, but said she had no idea about what she thought was a “peaceful, grassroots movement” would become."

    I see she is bleating ignorant talking points...
    She supported an insurrection by white nationalists who wanted to kill Trudeau. She supported plague rats.
    Once again, the intolerant should never be tolerated as their disease slowly becomes mainstream.

    Stella Luna should be shunned - actions should have consequences.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I know CC wants to talk about RJB giving publicity to Stella Luna...

    Let's not forget that the owner, Tammy, gleefully went on Fox news to complain about the backlash she received from donating 250$ to the KlanKonvoy.

    Poor dear was crying about the backlash about supporting the alt-right.

    "'I think never in my 56 years have I ever experienced a country so divided, so full of hatred toward friends and neighbors ... You know, they may have opinions that differ from theirs, but they're so willing to publicly shame and humiliate and spew forth angry vitriol,"
    -- Tammy Giuliani
    How fucking clueless is this person? She donate to hate-mongers and some of the most vile Canadians and cried about the backlash. You supported hatred, Nazis and some scientifically illiterate plague rats...

    Fuck her and fuck The Stella Luna Gelato Café
