Monday, September 12, 2022

Jen Gerson: Asshat.

Jesus Christ ...

And a pony. Ask for a fucking pony while you're at it.


  1. I read her column in the G&M this morning ... wishful thinking is an understatement.

    I don't think she realizes that with PP leading the charge, that party is headed down the deepest, darkest rabbit warren ever concocted. This will make the darkest parts of Watership Down seem positively pleasant.

  2. Frankly, If I could believe the Conservatives would spend all their time in government just railing about the WEF instead of focusing on finances, law, and bread and butter conservative policy, I'd be a lot less scared of a Conservative government.

    It's the bread and butter conservative policies that create homelessness and lineups at food banks.

    Admittedly, the crazy racist stuff DOES scare me some.

  3. C. Mike Hunt8:47 PM

    Remember back in 2016, when we hoped Donald Trump would act presidential? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Okay, so Gerson hopes that one of the parties, who was helping push the whole WEF conspiracy and was just made the CPC leader, will move away from said conspiracy-spewing. There's a part of me that's curious what it's like to be that blissfully idiotic, but I don't want to think about it too hard out of fear of it being contagious.
