Wednesday, August 31, 2022

What the fuck is it with Keean Bexte and his stalking of women?

There's something seriously ewwwwwww about ex-Rebeler, Ezra Levant-wannabe and white nationalist memorabilia expert Keean Bexte and his creepy habit of stalking women to their hotel.

Bexte is Exhibit A in the argument for prominent female politicians needing protection from Nazis.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Do you suppose if we started a Give/get/go fund to get him laid it might help?

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    No, because no woman could be paid enough to make sex with him worth the amount of therapy she'd need to recover from the horror of it all.

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ah. You're assuming "woman", then. I wasn't prepared to make guesses about gender or, for that matter, species.

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Naturally, he couldn't be bothered to state what said serious question was. Instead you have to go to his doxxer site video

  5. Maybe skulking means something different in Afrikaans.

  6. A stack of square bales and a cattle squeeze are Nazi Tintin's best bet for action.
