Friday, August 19, 2022

Dear Andrew Pinsent: William Komer is lying to you.

*Sigh* ...

William Komer is full of shit since, according to clear Ontario Law, the only person who can order you to leave a property or location is a person who is either the owner of that property, or a person who is currently in charge of that property and has authority over it:

Komer has no grounds to tell anyone they are trespassing since he is currently neither the owner nor the renter of that property. Tell him to fuck off.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    William Komer has been full of shit ever since he started to talk to the press.

    Of course most cheap copy/paste stenographers have been too happy to publish. his droppings.

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    What's that document he's holding? Some sort of Romana Didulo admiralty writ of trespass?

  3. Anonymous7:58 PM

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM

    also - as a follow-up to the Tony Cuzzocrea financing the TUPIC crew, I’m sure there was another article in the London Free Press - either yesterday or today. However, it seems to have disappeared.

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM


  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Stand your ground. Either he calls the cops or he decides to go extrajudicial and then the real cops will take him away.
