Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Good Christ, William Komer could be Jordan Peterson.

Anonymous commenter from last post points out that William Komer of the org "The United People of Canada" is, according to his LinkedIn page, a director of something called "Bethanys Hope Foundation." And what exactly does that organization do?

I have no words. Literally, I cannot speak. This makes Scientology look positively cerebral.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Looks like the output of =rand() which inserts paragraphs of random text from M$ support pages.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I like "Dynamically procrastinate." I'm all about dynamically procrastinating.

  3. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Good god almighty! I read that, and all I could think to say about that was, "English, Motherfucker, do you speak it?"

    Just for kicks, I decided to plug in one of the lines into Google, and it looks like this is sort of a default text for a webpage before actual content is put in. Basically, "lorem ipsum", except in English, and written by someone who is so pretentious that they need to use 5,643 words to describe something that only needs 15...but enough about Conrad Black.

  4. I think the AI that was used to write that was suffering from aphasia

  5. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "I work alongside in an administrative and Leader role. God brought me to this place and I know that He is sending me to the Nations! I have released the Word of God in my testimony"

    Also a Skippy adherent apparently.

    ~From the LinkedIn of another director

  6. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Yeah, it’s common stock lorum ipsum text - probably some “bullshit bingo” Wordpress plug-in. Maybe they though “wow, this describes us perfectly!”

  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Bethanys Hope Foundation is a well respected charity based in London, Ontario, Canada. It does NOT list William Komer as a Director on its website - assuming it’s up-to-date.


  8. Anonymous9:47 PM

    He is listed as a director on the CRA REgistered Charity INformation Report for 2021.

  9. Anonymous11:05 PM


  10. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I don't know what that is
    But there is this
