Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: There are no words ...

I ... um ... wut?

So ... the man who dodged service for years and lied about it, lied to the court about what he promised to do and promised to deliver, was found in contempt of court twice, and filed such an utterly dishonest application that it was dismissed by the court as so "baseless and scandalous" that I was awarded enhanced costs will now ... lecture pompously on the civility and decorum of defendants.

I can't fucking speak.


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    It looks like Patrick's back in the Lloyd, which probably means he got fired from whatever he was doing in Grande Prairie. He's posted so many tweets in the last couple of days that there's no way he can be working and spend that much time on Twitter.

  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Patrick keeps bragging that he's suing Peter Skinner for defamation. Given what you've blogged about this, is he really? Is he actually suing Peter for defamation?

  3. Anon @ 7:35 AM: Is Patrick suing Peter Skinner for defamation? Well ... yes. And no.

    Yes, Patrick filed against Peter Skinner last fall, and that's as far as it went, and it is assuredly going no further.

    First, Patrick filed that action without disclosing to the court clerk that he is an undischarged bankrupt without a trustee. That court clerk has already conceded that if they had known about Patrick's status, he would absolutely not have been allowed to file that action.

    Second, I know for a fact that some time ago, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) sent a letter to Patrick (CCed to the courthouse in Grande Prairie, AB) that Patrick's status totally precludes him from filing such actions, so that one lawsuit is effectively dead in the water, as are any others he's threatening to file.

    Finally, and most damningly, even though Patrick snuck in that filing by concealing his status from the court, he has done *NOTHING* since then to push that action along, and make sure you understand that it is the responsibility of the plaintiff (Patrick) to move things along. Instead, Patrick has spent all of his time since that filing dodging, weaving and avoiding process servers, going so far as to provide a bogus address for legal service to make it as difficult as possible for Skinner to engage with Patrick. At some point, if Patrick refuses to do even the smallest thing related to pushing this action forward, his action could be ruled as "abandoned", and Peter would be entitled to costs.

    In short, yes, Patrick *technically* did file a lawsuit. Practically, though, it is of no legal value and Patrick knows it; he just keeps milking it to seem important. It's going nowhere.

  4. Skinner should drop the hammer on Patrick.

  5. Anon @ 9:03 AM: Yes, he should, but as I've mentioned on occasion, there is legal value to just leaving Patrick be and letting himself dig himself in deeper due to his total lack of activity. The longer Patrick avoids doing anything with this action, the worse it will look for him when it finally gets in front of a judge, who will most certainly ask him why it took so long for him to try to resolve this.

    Sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing. As the old saying goes, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    As soon as the extreme right start appealing to civility, then you know they have nothing.

  7. Patrick’s comprehension of anything remotely legal is apparently about the same as a puppy peeing on the floor … except the puppy eventually learns.
