Thursday, May 05, 2022

Where to go for dinner? Decisions, decisions ...

Sure, that'll do.


P.S. Prices are in Danish kroner, so it's not that outrageous, and I'm not paying for it, anyway. Nor for the hotel, or the airfare that got me here.


  1. That opulent meal will cost you a mere 1.5 months of interest payments from Patrick Ross, assuming prices are in Euros. Also, Twatsy will surely be jealous that you have so thoroughly outdone his beloved $21 hamburgers.

    1. Anonymous1:22 AM

      I wondered if someone was gonna make a comment about Twatsy paying for this dinner, eventually.

      Well, "eventually" is coming, judging from this blog & CC's intent to drag Twatsy's whole family into a courtroom.

  2. Oh, right. Forgot those crazy Danes aren't in the Eurozone!
