Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: Gratuitous spending, indeed.

One of my regular confidential informants just informed me that Lloydminster's most notorious and most childish on-prem undischarged bankrupt just bragged on social media about how he was having the coolest time at this concert:

which happens to be the James Barker Band, which played just yesterday in ... Grande Prairie, AB, which establishes that:

  • Patrick is indeed in Grande Prairie, and
  • He's spending money on concerts that should be going to me.

The proper authorities have been informed.

That is all.

P.S. I am doing everything I can to arrange for a process server to show up personally at Patrick's Lloydminster address to get a rise out of his father. I'll let you know how that works out.


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Scary times are coming at the Ross household in Lloydminster, no doubt.

  2. Gee, look what popped up!

