Monday, March 21, 2022


Right-wingers who have never shown the slightest outrage over Trump dependents Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump making over $600 million in personal profit as White House "senior advisers" will now piss blood in outrage over some moving expenses.


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Tracey Wilson is a perpetual Conservative propagandist...

    I'm guessing she is trying to distract from all the expenses related to O'Toole moving out and Candice Bergen moving in for a few days...

    Some are so selective when they want to piss blood in outrage.

  2. "their million dollar Toronto homes"

    a 70's era two-bed, two-bath bungalow in Toronto's worst neighbourhoods runs about $750,000 these days, but sure lets make a big deal about something large companies do every day for executives being transferred to a new city.
