Monday, March 28, 2022

Chronicles of Twatrick: The emotional maturity of an 8-year-old.

Apparently, undischarged bankrupt and psychological infant Patrick Ross is now harassing people by ... oh, hell, read it for yourself:

Patrick's father's name is Ken. Draw your own conclusions.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    If it were me I'd see it as a threat as in we know where you live.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    And then there's this thread where he then has the audacity to refer to Peter Skinner as a "stalker":

  3. Anon @ 10:26 AM: That is just Patrick being Patrick and mouthing off, secure in his belief that, since he is an undischarged bankrupt who owes more than $100,000, he can defame people online without consequence since who would waste their time suing someone who has already been sued and is bankrupt?

    Trust me, things are happening behind the scenes, whereupon Patrick will learn the hard way the consequences of his ongoing defamation of multiple people.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Oh I can't wait!!!

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Well, at least it was a pizza at the door and not Will Smith.

  5. We're imagining the pizza order went something like this:

    TWASTY: "Hello, Pizza 73. I want to order a small pepperoni to Mr. Skinner in Mill Woods."

    PIZZA 73: "OK, then. We'll have the order delivered within 45 minutes. That will be $13.59.

    TWATSY: "Put it on Ken's credit card, MasterCard [redacted]. And also, can you send an Extra Large meat lovers with curly fries, onion rings and a six-pack of Coca-Cola (NOT Diet Coke!) to ummm...Ken in Lloydminster."

    PIZZA 73. Wait a minute. You want us to send pizzas to Edmonton AND Lloydminster?

    TWATSY: "Yes. Lunch was over 2 hours ago and I'm hungry."

  6. CC, have the sheriffs investigated the possibility that Patsy might be storing cash in a safety deposit box? If he's been working for under the table cash, he gotta keep it somewhere and it is either a safety deposit box or a shoe box in the closet at his dad's place.

  7. Rev: Oh, there are all sorts of sleazy possibilities, but the sheriffs are legally limited in what they can investigate, but no fear -- things are happening that will make their limitations irrelevant. Amusingly, Twatsy's immediate family members may play a significant part in all of it. Whether they want to or not.
