Saturday, December 18, 2021

Why David Menzies keeps getting the crap kicked out of him by the cops.

At the moment, Rebel News' Ezra Levant is predictably spewing Manischewitz from every possible orifice, shrieking hysterically about the cosmic unfairness of David Menzies getting stomped by The Man every time he (Menzies) shows up to cause trouble. An anonymous correspondent suggests why this might be, and the explanation seems perfectly reasonable.

David Menzies has a well-established history such that, whenever he attends some function to abuse and harass someone, violence is likely to follow. There is no question about this; regardless of whether the violence is justified or not, it is settled that Menzies' appearance is almost always accompanied by shouting, confrontation, physical assault and, occasionally, an arrest. And therein lies your explanation.

In wondering why Menzies is so frequently singled out from other journalists for this sort of abuse, Ezra Levant misses the point by a mile -- it's because violence follows Menzies around like a bad smell and, at this point, there is absolutely no doubt that he is on the RCMP's watch list of potential security risks and troublemakers.

It doesn't matter how much Menzies behaves himself from now on -- he has established his own reputation, and the instant he appears, he will get the security detail's undivided attention. In short, the RCMP know why he's there, and they're tired of his shit, and they're going to do something about it.

So it's pointless to whine about why poor David is the only "journalist" getting this sort of treatment by the cops -- it's because he has a history and that history is what he can't get away from anymore. Menzies has made a career at Der Rebel from being a confrontational asshole, and now he's reaping the rewards for all that effort.

Oh, look, David  ... the consequences of your actions.

Live with it.

DID I CALL IT OR WHAT? In an earlier post, I pointed out that Rebel News always selectively edits its video footage to conceal what David Menzies did to instigate a confrontation, and shows only the aftermath. Well, here are two independent sources who suggest that Menzies provoked the entire thing by literally being in the street to interfere with the Prime Minister's motorcade:

I think we're done here.

I LOVE MY COMMENTERS. I am so promoting this comment to make sure you don't miss it (minor aesthetic editing added):

There are several recordings of the event posted, some on the Rebel main, Facebook and Twitter sites. They make the actual sequence crystal clear. 
Prior to the arrival of the PM, Menzies wanders about taunting the security detail, mocking them and the PM. At one point, he thrusts his cell into the face of a black officer and calls him “boy". 
When the PM’s cortège pulls up, Menzies bolts past the security detail towards the PM’s car. They yell at him repeatedly to stop, and when he refuses, they restrain him. 
In one of the most embarrassing editorial choices ever, the gen-Z amateurs at the Rebel chose to enliven the detention by dubbing stock horror movie music over the footage. Goodbye to ANY semblance of “journalism".
So bottom line; cops blocked an aggressive, truculent man who crashed the PM’s security perimeter.

As I commented here some months ago, Dave is coming to resemble the Geek in an old time carnival - a washed up loser whose last and only Schtick is biting the heads off rats for the titillation of the rubes.


AFTERSNARK: Pretty sure I've mentioned this before but, given how Rebel invariably edits the footage of any Menzies confrontation, it is incumbent on any organizers or security to have someone start filming Menzies and his cameraweasel the moment they arrive on-scene, to have a complete record of the proceedings that can't be misrepresented by Ezra Levant.


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    There are several recordings of the event posted, some on the Rebel main, facebook and twitter sites. They make the actual sequence crystal clear.
    Prior to the arrival of the PM, Menzies wanders about taunting the security detail, mocking them and the PM. At one point, he thrusts his cell into the face of a black officer and calls him “boy’.
    When the PM’s cortège pulls up, Menzies bolts past the security detail towards the PM’s car. They yell at him repeatedly to stop, and when he refuses, they restrain him.
    In one of the embarrassing editorial choices ever, the gen-Z amateurs at the Rebel chose to enliven the detention by dubbing stock
    Horror movie music over the footage. Goodbye to ANY presence of “journalism’.
    So bottom line; cops blocked an aggressive, truculent man who crashed the PM’s security perimeter.

    As I commented here some months ago, Dave is coming to resemble the Geek in an old time carnival - a washed up loser whose last and only Schlick is biting the heads off rats for the titillation of the rubes..

  2. When Rebel runs out of money, how is The Menzoid going to be employable anywhere?

  3. @ROD: I don't think it will take that long. At some point, the RCMP will -- based on Menzies' history of provocation and assault of police officers -- get a restraining order against him, and he will be barred from getting anywhere near any of these events, under threat of arrest the instant he shows up.

    Frankly, I don't know why they haven't done this already.

  4. @CC: True, but then Ezra would fundraise like crazy to appeal the restraining order to the Supreme Court of Canada.

    "Please like, share and donate!"

    I'm sure Ezra is already buying web domains in preparation.

  5. @ROD: So what? It doesn't matter what happens, Ezra will fundraise off of it one way or the other, since he easily has the stupidest followers in the history of the universe. Rebel News is not a media outlet, it is a perpetual grievance factory, where Ezra shrieks on a regular basis, "Something bad is happening somewhere to someone, send me money!" And his followers do exactly that, blissfully unaware of where their money goes.

    So let him fundraise off of it. Someday, Ezra *will* be forced to open his books and people will be able to see where all those millions went.

    Count on it.

  6. The day Ezra's books get opened will be a true Canadian Heritage Moment.

  7. If Menzies tried this schtick in the US with the president, the Secret Service would either have shot him or he'd be waking up in Gitmo. My guess is that he could be perilously close to getting handed a serious jail sentence in the not to distant future. I suspect the only reason he isn't behind bars already is that Trudeau has been advised by his media people that a court case would only give Menzies and Levant a bigger public platform to use to raise funds. But I'd bet the PM protection detail are tired of his antics by now and may be less inclined to show restraint in removing him from where he isn't supposed to be.

  8. @Rev.Paperboy

    I've been to many Trudeau events filming.
    The RCMP detail guarding him are incredibly lax when it comes to crowds, even aggressive ones. Either Trudeau has ordered them to avoid touching people at all costs or they want something to happen.

    The security at a hockey game is tighter then the one around Trudeau at the best of times. Getting within 5 feet of him is effortless.

    Trudeau has taken selfies with people on Terrorism watch lists. Those pictures are in the media if you look for them.
