Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Please help me sue you" edition.

I don't understand this:

Recently, one Patrick Ross has been assuring numerous people that he is going to sue them, after which he pleads with each one of them to provide him with the information he needs to, I guess, serve them or something.

Apparently, Patrick does not realize that it is not the responsibility of the people he is threatening to be graciously forthcoming with this information. He's been doing this shit for over a decade -- you think he'd have figured this out by now.

P.S. It occurs to notice that, in the above and other examples, Patrick is not asking for address for actual legal "service"; rather, he is simply asking how one wishes to "receive" said documents. I suggest that anyone getting such a vague and imprecise request ask Patrick point-blank whether he asking for an address for service of legitimately court-filed documents. If not, tell him to go pound sand.

Well, tell him to go pound sand, anyway.

I LOVE MY COMMENTERS: No idea who left this as an earlier comment, but it's gold, Jerry. Gold!
Interesting to watch [Patrick] shift seamlessly from "I am Master of the Universe Preparing to Flatten My Foes, Ravish Their Daughters and Despoil Their Lands" to "I Am Observing This Meaningless and Pitiable Squabble Over Material Trivia From an Elevated Moral Position of Imperturbably Zen Detachment".

I interpret that to mean that on some level he's realized he's fucked, and is scrambling to:
  • establish a new narrative for himself that fulfills the First Imperative - to maintain oneself as Hero of one's own biography; and,
  • in doing so, adopt a lofty new persona that positions him to inflict what he sees as maximum annoyance on those who are stripping him of material assets, dignity, and credibility by simply pretending those don't matter.
The fact is, of course, that the spectacle of his bankruptcy and humiliation are the reward, not the financial settlement or the desperate set of personae he flails through as he feigns indifference. The posturing is just gravy.


  1. Or, they can give Patrick the following e-mail: NunUvYerBizNess@PoundSand.YouFool

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Someone should respond:

    "Ok, I'll accept service, but only personally from you from your current residence in the Grande Prairie area. Please give me that address."

  3. @Anon: Please don't spoil the impending surprise. You're ruining it for everyone.
