Sunday, December 12, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Now what?" edition.

Currently, Lloydminster's Patrick Ross is waxing philosophical on social media, assuring one and all that his recent financial beatdown at the hands of the Saskatchewan sheriffs pursuant to my $100K+ collection order is only temporary:

One can only wonder about Patrick's next move, whether it will be just as "baseless and scandalous" as his last legal filing, and whether I will (once again) be awarded enhanced costs.

Time to wait and see, I guess.

SPEAKING OF "TEMPORARY" ... here's a tweet that took a long time to not age well:

Remind me again, how did that work out? Oh, right ...


  1. Since he seems to be gearing up to go after Dr. Dawg (or pulling him into his latest round of lawsuits somehow), he apparently thinks he's got something in his recent discovery of tort law.

    (He published a tweet yesterday asking Dr. Dawg for his e-mail address)

    Patrick has a very ... creative ... understanding of how law works. (it seems to be "sue someone, get cashola")

  2. @MgS: *Sigh* ... it's hard to believe that, after more than a decade, Patrick still hasn't figured out the mechanics of proper legal service.

  3. What on Earth does Twatsy think he can sue Dr. Dawg for? Dr. Dawg quit Twitter months ago, and has ignored Reprobate Ross for years.

  4. I think he'd have better luck with "torte" law. Then maybe he'd get a decent cake out of the whole thing.

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    How long until Patrick Ross gets declared a vexatious litigant and can't pull these stunts anymore? I thought Peter Skinner was working on this.

  6. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Interesting to watch him shift seamlessly from "I am Master of the Universe Preparing to Flatten My Foes, Ravish Their Daughters and Despoil Their Lands" to "I Am Observing This Meaningless and Pitiable Squabble Over Material Trivia From an Elevated Moral Position of Imperturbably Zen Detachment".

    I interpret that to mean that on some level he's realized he's fucked, and is scrambling to:
    - establish a new narrative for himself that fulfills the First Imperative - to maintain oneself as Hero of one's own biography; and.
    - in doing so, adopt a lofty new persona that positions him to inflict what he sees as maximum annoyance on those who are stripping him of material assets, dignity, and credibility by simply pretending those don't matter.

    The fact is, of course, that the spectacle of his bankruptcy and humiliation are the reward, not the financial settlement or the desperate set of personnae he flails through as he feigns indifference. The posturing is just gravy.

  7. @ROD: Who knows?

    Maybe he's going to complain that Dawg's older blog posts that characterize him as a "mudfish" are defaming him?

    IMHO, someone has a vastly inflated opinion of himself and his importance.

    @Anonymous @ 10:57: There's an old saying about "The wheels of justice turn slowly" - even once the courts receive an application to declare someone a vexatious litigant, I imagine the process will take time, lest the judge doing so be accused of acting unreasonably.

  8. Patience, kids ... given his years of dodging, weaving and weaselly evasion, nothing with Patrick Ross ever happens quickly. After all, it took me over a decade to put him where he is now: a university dropout and undischarged bankrupt with no home and no career prospects who still owes me over $100,000 and whose current claim to fame is opining on comic books and mixed martial arts.

    Things will happen ... give it time.

  9. If we had a risk-free investment with a 5% annual interest rate, we wouldn't be in a rush to collect, either.

    That quote to LaBelle is hilarious. To say that Twatrick and his words have aged like milk (instead of wine) would be a huge understatement.

  10. I find it funny he's still trolling about the fight he lost. Tyler kicked his ass, end of story.

    Then I tried to give him what he wants last night. All he had to do was publicly deny my accusations and I would have released everything I have. He decided to play games instead of getting what he wanted the previous day.

    If you only knew the amount of people that have messaged me stating if they ever ran into Patrick, they'd kick his head in. He's pissed off that many people over the years on social media. His mouth is writing checks that Tyler proved his body can't cash.

    As Robert stated, getting Patrick into a courtroom is a lot harder than he's making it seem. It's takes weeks to serve him because he refuses to pick up items until the last moment. He picked up my Statement of Defense literally 2 hours before it was set to be returned to me once again.

    Patrick's trying to bait everyone into giving him money, and all he's getting in turn is ridicule. Serves him right.

  11. @RNO: Patrick simply has not figured out the fundamental principle in all of this -- that his dishonest, disingenuous bloviating and blustering and blar-har-har'ing might play well on social media, but it does not translate well to the courtroom, which is why he gets his ass kicked there every single time.

    You might recall how Patrick, back in March of 2012, showed up in court and tried to impress the judge with his, "I have deep concerns with the issue of post-judgmentism and Charter rights related to freedom of conscience and expression ...", and she just shut him right down and stomped his sorry ass.

    And it's only going to get worse for Patrick. Count on it.
