Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "The legal has landed" edition.

Apparently, after waiting until the last possible day (which is precisely his pattern), Patrick "Quintuple Threat MMA Cosplay Thunderbolt Kid Cash Creepy Online Stalker" Ross hied his sorry ass back to Lloydminster to reluctantly and petulantly accept legal service of Peter Skinner's Statement of Defense:

Now the games can truly begin.

P.S. It's entirely possible that the Statement of Defense was not collected by Patrick himself, but by his father, so perhaps we should not jump to the conclusion that Patrick will finally admit to being served.


  1. Anonymous1:40 PM

    What would hypothetical judges say?

    "My dad picked up some letter at the Lloydminster Mall, but didn't open it. I was working in Grande Prairie, so I of course did not see the letter, even though I could have used my Grande Prairie address for service."

  2. CalmRose2:53 PM

    Should there not have been someone who signed for the letter? Wasn't this certified mail?
