Friday, November 19, 2021

Rebel News: Still lying about mask exemptions.

Here's Rebel News, still lying about the law behind mask exemptions:

And here's the Ontario Human Rights Commission, pointing out that Rebel News is (unsurprisingly) full of shit:

Thanks for stopping by.

BONUS TRACK: It's worth remembering that the disingenuous sad sacks at Der Rebel, for the longest time, pushed the myth that you could claim a mask exemption with no evidence or medical certificate whatsoever, and that no one could ask you about it. This rancid dishonesty plays into an upcoming post, so you might want to come back later for that.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Let’s not forget that the Rebel made a complete mockery of the exemption process by providing fake, downloadable, official looking “exemption certificates”, a move akin to offering readers fake Handicap stickers to steal assigned parking spots. Of course, they were simultaneously railing against shops that questioned exemptions.

  2. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Just how deeply stupid are the new crop of Rebel slackers?

    Paid "intern" Dakota Christensen reports breathlessly that soldiers based at CFB Petawawa who participated in a training exercise had received two shots of a COVID-19 vaccine were in quarantine become some had tested positive for COVID. Apart from the fact that "Dax" is cribbing all the facts in his "report" from a CTV report (you know, that Evil MSM network in Trudeau's pocket?), he appears to have completely missed the point that the story, in fact, confirms the efficacy of vaccination.

    Vaccine effectiveness: 95%.
    Number of people in the exercise: 473
    Number of people therefore NOT immune : 24.
    Number actually testing positive: 10.

    I guess when your paid mentors are luminaries like Dave Menzies and Sheila Gunn Reid, certain non-essentials - like thought - get left at the dock.
