Thursday, November 11, 2021

Rebel News' Avi Yemini: Grifter.

Oh, man, check out this recent savage piece in "Independent Australia." Rebel's Avi Yemini does not come off well.

Any of that sound familiar, Sheila?

P.S. Tom Tanuki: Collect the entire set.


  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Convicted wife beater Avi just ran a piece declaring that New Zealand's COVID strategy had been a failure because there some Rebel minded Kiwis held a rally protesting public health measures.

    He lists inflated numbers of attendees at the rally, but omits the following actual COVID stats.

    NZ cases/deaths per million: 1,621 and 7
    Australia cases/deaths per million: 7,168 and 72
    USA cases/deaths per million: 142,000 and 2,338

    Funny, you're think actual outcomes would be part of the calculation when assessing the efficacy of a health policy, wouldn't you?

    I'm not given to extremes, but I find myself increasingly of the mind that the Rebel's serial, relentless dishonesty and war on thought is becoming a crime against humanity.

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Wow. That author has a whole string of articles eviscerating the Australian anti-lockdown movement. Wonderful stuff, and an exact parallel with the Canadian grifters.,905
