Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Rebel News, and the sudden emphasis on "strategic litigation."

Hey, kids, remember when I pointed out that Ezra Levant's Rebel News was encouraging gullible rubes ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H folks to donate through its partner-in-fundraising, "The Democracy Fund," since handing over a whack of cash that way would get you a tax receipt? And remember when I also pointed out TDF's mandate clearly stated that its CRA charitable tax status was based on them funding "strategic litigation," which is not even remotely adhered to by bragging about defending 2,000 cases of random people getting stupid fines:

Apparently, Rebel News is feeling the heat over their playing fast and loose with what constitutes "strategic litigation," as they now can't use that phrase often enough. Here's a snippet from an article from just yesterday, in which Rebeler and utter hack Sydney Fizzard has apparently been given marching orders to write the word "strategic" as often as possible:

Prediction: The words "strategic" and "precedent" will show up with increasing frequency in Der Rebel articles, for reasons I should not have to explain.

P.S. We are so not done with The Democracy Fund, so you might want to check back later.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:00 PM

    The Rebel needs to launch a fundraiser to hire a drama coach for Sheila Gunn Reid. It's both horrifying and hilarious to watch the noontime sessions she co-hosts with Dave (The Menzoid) Menzies. He's much like the drunken uncle from out of town who lurches his way to the microphone during the wedding toasts and insists on delivering an unscheduled, unfocused string of reminiscences, "jokes", double entendres and references to old favorite stories he can't quite remember the point of.
    That's funny enough, but Sheila's face in the split screen is a treat. She's usually ignoring him, studying her notes or glancing at her watch or off camera. When she does succumb and listen to him, it's with the frozen, pinched-face mien of an elderly and disapproving nun listening to a dirty joke. I think my favourite moments are those in which he begin to chuckle uproariously at himself, and she vaguely registers that he's said something he thinks is funny, and tries to respond with a pained, strangled gargle of a laugh.
