Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "WTAF?" edition.

"Deranged" and "deluded" does not begin to describe what is happening here:

Seriously, read the whole thread. It's epic in its imbecility. When the hammer falls, it is going to fall so hard ...

P.S. It's amusing to watch Patrick whinge on and on and tediously on about people missing their deadlines to file a defense when, back in 2010, Patrick was given five full months and numerous reminders to file a Statement of Defense and he failed to do so, preferring instead to publish how he was going to make my "big, bad lawyer cry," and threatening to report him to the Law Society of Upper Canada for harassment.

Man, this takes me back ...

P.P.S. Is it worth pointing out the irony of Patrick blathering on about how people have been served, even as he is working frantically to avoid proper and valid service?

BONUS TRACK: There's something truly deluded about Patrick stamping his little feet and demanding that he will negotiate only with lawyers, when there is not a sane lawyer on the planet who will waste his time on someone who is so clearly trying to evade service, going so far as to supply a bogus "address for service" on his Statement of Claim.

Given that most legal documents are required to be served, and therefore require a legitimate and accurate address for service, Patrick's refusal to reveal where he currently lives or works means that no lawyer is going to waste a bucket of warm spit on him.

It's hilarious to watch Patrick insist that people engage with him, when he does not even supply a valid address where he can be served. But I'm sure he's going to learn all this the hard way.


  1. Just letting everyone know that I filed my Statement of Defense on Friday, and it's not as easy as one would think getting in front of an Edmonton Justice for an action filed in Grande Prairie. They will let me file in Edmonton for Grande Prairie Queen's Bench only because they see what the Plaintiff is doing. I tried and waited all day to get a hearing and it never happened.

    The funniest thing about all this is Patrick naming an anonymous account and then wanting them to identify themselves AND have someone talk to him about a settlement? THEY ARE ANONYMOUS!!

    Patrick can't find out who they are, and he knows it. He came after my business, but even the clerks can't find where in his Statement of Claim where my business came after him. Just because I speak, doesn't mean I'm always speaking for Edmonton Tek. My business is listed as a defendant simply because I own it. I was nice enough to submit several other instances where Patrick threatened a lawsuit against someone else, and threatened to take their business as well. It's a tactic of his.

    Needless to say, this will be yet another instance where a Justice is going to laugh him out of court, but this time I'm hoping with a vexatious litigant tag.

  2. He seems to be under the somewhat questionable impression that “the other defendant having published the statement of claim on a blog” is somehow.”adequate service” to the other defendant. I’m not particularly knowledgeable about what constitutes adequate service of the documents, but I don’t think “the other guy publishing it on a blog” meets that standard.

    Overall … Patrick’s being his usual self - and he’s not very smart.

  3. MgS: I was going to say something like that -- "I served a guy whose name I don't know by tweeting a Statement of Claim to a totally different guy who published it on social media!"

    Jesus Christ.

  4. Carolina Blue Slime11:27 AM

    RogueNerdOne: Thank you for your service. Hope you get a hearing soon!

  5. @MgS:

    In Alberta, initial service of any action including notice of libel and the statement of defense, must be done in person or via registered mail. If there are problems with service, like I'm having, then I can go to court to get a substitution of service order. This is complicated by living in Edmonton, having to send documents to Saskatchewan, for an action filed in Grande Prairie.

    This was done for two reasons the clerks and I surmised:

    1. To hide his location from Robert.
    2. To make it as difficult as possible to serve him, and waste as much of my time as he can. There's an actual term for it: Legal Abuse.

    Legal abuse happens when one party makes it as difficult on the other party to proceed in a matter. Whether it be burying them in paperwork or making them respond to a litany of motions which has costs associated with it. Usually this is done by spouses making it impossible to continue because of funding issues. (Think asshole Dads who made all the money, but in divorce proceedings, he outspends the Mother or a corporation doing the same to an individual). It's one of the easier ways to have someone labelled as a vexatious litigant if they abuse the legal system initially like Patrick has done.

    I've shown here how Patrick loves to file in far out of the way courts, when he could have easily filed locally in Edmonton or Lloydminster.

    This lawsuit is nothing more than a way for him to attract attention. It's not working and he barely comments on it from his @DragonFireIdeas account. He's completely stopped posting to his @Outlawtory account under the premise it's suspended. It's not. You can still DM him. Again, just more games by Patrick.

    I've been nice enough to attach all this in my motions and statement of defense. Also, I stopped talking to him or replying to his nonsense. There's no point. Once this is over, Patrick will cease to exist in my world. I don't see how he adds value to anyone in his let alone mine.

  6. Anonymous11:53 AM

    RNO, once this is all done and the courts have slapped his "lawsuit" back into reality, please show us your statement of defense! It's just so much fun reading step by step how his arguments get completely decimated and ripped apart and I for one cannot wait to see all that in detail at the appropriate time!

    As for his thread, hilarious how RossOwesDay's reply, referring to Twatrick's literal actually situation and he feigns ignorance about what RoD is talking about.

  7. @RogueNerdOne: Thanks - I appreciate the additional details regarding service of documents.

    About the only “value” Patrick is bringing to anyone right now is perhaps “comic relief”. I wouldn’t credit him with anything more than that.

  8. RNO: If possible, have the court force Patrick to reveal where he is working and staying, for the purpose of any possible subsequent services. Given Patrick's appalling behaviour, the court should not need much convincing to demand that Patrick hand over that information.
