Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Chronicles of Twatrick: "Running and hiding" edition.

Nothing really new to report, other than a little irony. It wasn't that long ago that Patrick "Outlaw Debtor" Ross was blar-har-har'ing about how his million dollar defamation action had "an extraordinary amount of substantive merit," and mocking one Peter Skinner for trying to get it dismissed:

Since then, however, Patrick has gone into hiding, refusing to accept service of Peter's Statement of Defence, and not responding to emails. This is a decidedly odd strategy for someone who is so publicly convinced of the merits of his case.

In any event, it's just over a month until Christmas, and it's entirely possible that Patrick is going to have a very unpleasant Christmas indeed.


  1. CC is going to be The Grinch who Stole Christmas at the Ross household in Lloydminster, Sask.

    ♫ "You're a monster....Mr. Day..." ♫

  2. Yeah, I get that a lot.

  3. Speculative wild guess here: With Patrick dodging service and generally being a PITA again, the courts will toss his suit out when that hearing in GP occurs.

    That being his last chance to "spin the wheel and win" enough to pay off the $100+ large he owes @CC, afterwards he's going to disappear into doing jobs in the bush where he will be very hard to find at all, unless he goes full Ted Kaczynski ...

  4. In addition to the 110 IQ point differential, a key difference between Twatsy and the Unabomber is that Ted Kaczynski didn't need to emerge from isolation three times a day for $21 restauraunt burgers.

  5. MgS: To be frank, I don't expect Patrick to *ever* pay off what he owes me in full. He seems happy living life in crappy hotels or in rooms he rents from co-workers, and working at menial jobs where he can be paid under the table to avoid garnishment, and so on, and I fully expect him to keep doing this for years because he can. However, I don't think he appreciates the danger.

    As many know, his mother passed away last year, which suggests that his father might be on the elderly side, and as each year goes by, Patrick needs to wonder when it's his father's turn, and I can assure you, I have people who will let me know the instant that happens, at which time I will swoop in and contest the will, and lock it up for *years* until I get a satisfactory resolution.

    Also, as each year goes by, what he owes me increases faster and faster. I did a quick calculation and, given his debt to me of $110,000, and an interest rate of 5%, if he's lucky enough to avoid me for the next 10 years and pay nothing, he will then owe me, uh, carry the one ... $178,200. And I promise you, I will be looking to collect the full amount after locking up that will so that *no one* will be able to collect from it until I'm done with them.

    So Patrick is welcome to stay on the run. For now. Until his father dies. Then shit will most certainly get real for him and his family.

  6. Toffee Slime1:49 PM

    Have the Saskatchewan sheriffs figured out that Twatrick is being paid under the table? If so, that sounds like something the CRA should know about, both regarding Twatsy and his current place of employment.

  7. @Toffee Slime: I certainly don't know if he's being paid legitimately or if it's a "purely cash" basis.

    It's certainly not unknown for someone in circumstances like Patrick's that they would seek out marginal employment like that. If he is in such a situation, he's probably ignoring filing taxes as well.

    Regardless, the CRA's position is likely as not to be similar to tips in the restaurant industry: It's up to the worker to track and declare those earnings on their taxes. However, for the amounts that he might owe in taxes, the CRA is not likely to waste a whole lot of energy pursuing a guy like Patrick.

  8. MgS: The CRA goes after little people all the time. They're easier to catch and process, compared to truly wealthy tax dodgers.

  9. Yes and no. A guy like Ross - if they even got him into the tax courts - would likely cost more to prosecute than he's worth. You're right that they will go after "small fry" that are actually filing their taxes and make a mistake of an omission (those are low hanging fruit cases, mostly)

  10. He's been informed by text, email, and registered mail he has documents waiting for pickup.

    I have a feeling he's lost interest in this venture, or he's trying to feign ignorance. He won't be able to do that however because I personally texted him staying it was available for pickup, he thanked me, and then said not to contact him on his number. Right after saying that, he texts telling me to tell RoD to unveil who they are and negotiate a settlement. Why would anyone do that?
