Thursday, October 14, 2021

Sure, let's talk about "strategic litigation."

To no one's surprise, the opportunistic yobs at Rebel News hoovered up what looks like well over a million dollars to fight ... to fight ... a simple contempt of court charge where the plaintiffs were asking for only $20,000 to begin with.

Pause and digest that ... sucking a truckload of cash of the most gullible people on the planet in order to make a small band of Ezra Levant's lawyer friends stupid fucking rich while arguing against a $20,000 fine. But it gets so much more amusing.

Recall how, back here, I discussed how Der Rebel was happily laundering all that dosh through the CRA-registered charity "The Democracy Fund" in order to promise all and sundry charitable tax receipts, that being based on TDF's publicized mandate that included (among other things) their assurance that they would use funds for "strategic litigation". Remember that? Of course you do.

And yet, it's not at all clear how a simple contempt of court charge rises to the level of strategic litigation, especially when Der Rebel openly admits that that's all this was about:

Yes, that would be Rebel News, openly conceding that months of time and hundreds of billable hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars were all in aid of ... fighting a cheap-shit contempt of court charge. But that's not the issue here.

The issue here, of course, is how Rebel News and The Democracy Fund can still promise all those charitable tax receipts when all that money was used in nothing more than a run-of-the-mill contempt of court matter that clearly has no strategic litigation value of any kind.

Canada Revenue Agency? Hello?

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