Thursday, October 07, 2021

Rebel News gets results!

Hamilton's Nique Restaurant takes medical and public policy advice from Ezra Levant and Rebel News and refuses to enforce vaccine passports:

What could possibly go wrong? Well, besides that ...

That's OK ... Rebel News undoubtedly milked the publicity for $3.7 million before driving the eatery into insolvency.


AFTERSNARK: There's something karmic about Rebel News actually convincing a business to do the stupidest thing possible that drove it out of business, while Rebel still came out of it with the publicity and the fundraising. We need more of that. Seriously, we need more examples of people or businesses that listen to Ezra Levant going under. It would be a lesson except that we're talking about people too fucking stupid to learn a lesson.

PREDICTION: Damn, I almost forgot ... let's watch for Der Rebel to blame the dumbfuck stupid-inspired implosion of Nique on, say, the "intolerant, Marxist, woke-vax, fascist Left," and not on, say, the stupidity of the people who run Nique.

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