Saturday, October 23, 2021


Rebel News' Ezra Levant, regarding Dr. Jill Biden and her doctorate in education:

Rebel News' Ezra Levant, regarding right-wing dingbat and Rebel News favourite Dr. Leslyn Lewis, with her doctorate in international law:

See how that works?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Awesome ... first commenter points out that while taking a steaming dump on Dr. Jill Biden's doctorate, Ezra Levant happily uses the same title to dignify one of the intellectual cripples at his next Ezrafest, "Dr. Julie Ponesse":

and does the same for blithering crackpot Charles McVety:

Well spotted, commenter. Well spotted.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Ezra's contempt for non-medical doctors doesn't seem to extent to the featured guests and host of Ezra's upcoming "Faith and Democracy" Event.
    "Dr". Julie Ponesse is a Doctor of Philosophy, specializing in Ancient Philosophy and Ethics. I guess ethics were different in the Ancient World; apparently Dr. Ponesse, a favorite at PPC rallies, has no problem with spreading misinformation and lying about the nature of the vaccine(
    Dr. Charles McVety, apart from being one of Canada's better known professional Islamophobes, homophobes, and now vaccinophobes, boasts a "Doctorate" of even more dubious provenance and relevance.
    It is, however, a potentially useful connection between these two "Doctors". Perhaps Dr. Ponesse can provide Dr. McVety with some ethical counseling on the use of College funds for personal purposes. ( A year ago we could actually have had THREE doctors in that discussion, but McVety has apparently stopped falsely claiming that his wife Jennifer McVety, has a D. Litt (a Doctor of Letters, a designation higher than a Ph. D), while her CV shows only that she has a "Bachelor of Christian Counselling" from McVety's own college.
    McVety's own credentials have come under fire, of course.

    " reported last month that Charles McVety, identified as one of Canada’s leading culture warriors in the fight against gay marriage, received his doctorate from California State Christian University, an unaccredited extension of a Korean seminary affiliated with Victory Bible Colleges International. Robert Parham of the Baptist Center for Ethics said advertising degrees that require little or no academic work, like Southern Baptist Convention President’s Johnny Hunt’s listing two honorary doctorates from non-accredited seminaries in an on-line resume, helps lend credibility to diploma mills, businesses that sell bogus degree titles for profit."
