Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Huh. I had no idea.

A sadly-overlooked part of European history:

I was completely unaware of the appalling and horrific Nazi campaign of knocking on doors to insist that people get vaccinated against a deadly global pandemic. The things you learn from Rebel News.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I don't understand the motivation of comparing all these innocuous things to the Nazis and the Holocaust. On the one hand, these people point at the Holocaust, and claim it's the most horrific atrocity in history, and we can't ever let it happen again, and we should never forget it, and we should never minimize it.

    Then they turn around and insist that it's JUST like encouraging people to wear masks, or requiring them to be vaccinated if they don't want any pandemic restrictions enforced on them. Well, if that's what they're saying, then why should I give a shit about the Holocaust anymore? If it's just like mask or vaccine mandates, then, big deal.

    If you want to say that vaccine mandates are as bad as the Holocaust, then forgive me if I don't think the Holocaust was that bad. You can't have it both ways.
