Friday, August 27, 2021

Ah, the hypocrisy.

A reminder that, every time the yammering blowhards at Der Rebel screech and howl about unconstitutional vaccine mandates and the sanctity of personal autonomy and medical privacy, execrable sack of human garbage and Rebel "reporter" Sheila Gunn Reid once insisted on "societal implications" if you choose to remain unvaccinated:

So, you know, I'm thinking Sheila might want to sit this one out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Ezra claims to have raise a quarter million dollars in two days for another "Democracy Fund" initiative - an explicitly anti-vaccine campaign.
    The pretence that all this being funded by voluntary contributiosn from Rebel retirees and basement dwellers across Canada has moved way past "absurd" to a point beyond surreal.
    It's obvious the "Democracy Fund" is receiving large contributions from somewhere. Given that the anti-vax movement has been a staple of the various Trump-centric PACS of late, one must wonder whether Ezra has reconsidered his position on accepting foreign funds to interfere in Canadian politics.
