Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Signs of a Rebel News IPO? Hmmmmmmmmm ...

One of my regular deep sources draws my attention to a subtle but interesting development related to new hires at Ezra's House of Dumbth -- all of the new faces at his "Journalists" page, many of who are not actually journalists. And while I normally don't recommend you visit any of the pages over there since you might get some Rebel on your new shoes, it's fascinating how the masthead has suddenly been stacked with videographers and video journalists and a "head of video," some of who have certainly been there for a while so it's puzzling why they would suddenly merit an appearance on the Journalists page.

Deep source suggests this is simply in aid of beefing up the apparent size of Rebel News for the sake of looking bigger than they really are, so don't be surprised by the imminent appearance of Carlos the Stock Boy or Gladys the Lunch Lady there. Whatever it takes to seem more accomplished and influential than you actually are when you're looking for cash.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm thinking it's pretty simple.
    a) The Internet is forever. No one with a serious interest in a "journalism" career would work for the Rebel; while j-school and broadcasting students are encouraged to take any position anywhere that gets you a foot in the industry door, working for the Rebel sends future employers the message that you have no sense of balance, objectivity, accuracy, ethics or journalistic standards
    b) One of goals of the mysterious "Democracy Fund", which as far as I can tell just exists to route money to the Rebel and issue tax receipts, is to establish "a journalism placement program that provides post-secondary journalism students with opportunities to obtain on-the-job skills training required to complete their education program." This essentially means that the salaries of this new crop of confused millenials can be paid in full or in part by the Democracy Fund, depending on the terms of their grant or contribution agreement.
    So basically; Ezra gets free unskilled labour; the kids get a job (whose impact on their career they clearly have not fathomed); donors looking to spend money on a conservative cause get a tax receipt; and the money goes round and round and round...
