Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It's the big 4-0 for Lord Baron Twatrick von Loadenhosen.

(It's a couple days early but ... what the heck.)

It's hard to believe that it's been over a decade since Lloydminster's Patrick Ross was ordered by an Ontario court to pay me $85,000 (plus ever-since accruing interest) for maliciously defaming me online. And in all that time, he has effectively paid me nothing, which -- by my latest calculations adding up the initial judgment and costs, plus interest and subsequent cost awards -- puts his debt to me at approximately $112,000 (and still going up at a modest but inexorable two per cent per year).

It is an interesting history involving Patrick, starting with his contemptuously ignoring a properly served Statement of Claim back in 2010 (to which Patrick chose not to defend or even reply), after which I applied for and received a default judgment against him, whereupon followed years of Patrick dodging process servers, ignoring court orders, refusing to provide legally-required undertakings, filing for personal bankruptcy and subsequently so blatantly refusing to live up to his bankruptcy-required obligations that I applied for -- and was awarded -- a ruling that Patrick was no longer protected by bankruptcy, whereupon my full original 2010 judgment (plus all costs and interest) is now fully enforceable, waiting only on the formality of getting my Ontario judgment registered in Saskatchewan, at which time the collection will commence with the assistance of the Saskatchewan Sheriffs Department (or whatever they call them).

Turning 40 is normally an opportunity to look back, savour all you've accomplished in life and ponder future goals. With Patrick, well, it would appear that that involves still living at home, unless hanging out in hotel rooms in Grande Prairie while posting lengthy and mostly-unwatched YouTube videos about mixed martial arts or video games:

From his latest Facebook postings, it appears that Patrick is indeed in Grande Prairie, Alberta, employed in some capacity, which means there will at least be some income for me to extract from him upon registration of the judgment. In any event, come Thursday, Patrick will turn 40, and one wonders if he will reflect on how things came to this.

BONUS TRACK: One is reminded of my good buddy Dr. Dawg who opined when Patrick turned 37. Warning: you might want to brace yourself before clicking that link.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    What's the timeline for registering the judgment? I wonder if he will blow all of his money on more Edmonton Oilers hockey jerseys and high-calorie restauraunt meals so there's nothing for you to extract.

  2. If he's currently living/working in Grande Prairie, you might(?) have to do the same dance with getting the ruling registered in Alberta as well.

  3. No. Since he lives in SK, that's where the judgment matters. In any event, I registered the judgment in AB years ago and it's still active there, so I'm covered.

  4. If you go on YouTube it's easy to find videos by and about
    "Charlie Zelenoff."

    He's a young man (he must be around 30 by now) who believes that he's the greatest boxer on the planet. (He also believes that pop-culture goddesses are going to fall in love with him when they meet.)

    He has enough ability to make the untrained eye perceive some talent but in his only official fight he was defeated by a much smaller man. Soundly defeated. He left the ring in anger and confusion.

    Despite a record of 0 and 1 he boasts of being undefeated and the being he owner of several championships. He counts as "victories" sucker-punching someone who unwittingly agreed to spar with him while they are lacing up their gloves.

    From what I can tell, his mania has gotten much worse. He now walks around LA at night trying to pick fights and recording everything with his cellphone.

    One day I just thought about Charlie Z and how he was similar to another guy who bragged about being the baddest muthafukkah on the Canadian online political community. A devastating debator racking-up win after win against an army of hapless leftards.

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Hell isn't a place we go; it's the place we make. Patrick is well on his way.

  6. Jesse Ian Hayward12:11 AM

    Patrick makes me laugh so much my stomach hurts.

    I live in this guy's head, rent free. All because he couldn't scare my family LOL.

    My family's not gonna fall for some "wannabe Internet tough guy"

  7. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Twatsy on Twitter: "Oh, you mean the ladies aren't exactly lining up to couple with a 30 year-old rage addict on AISH?"

    Yeah, I'm sure the babes are lining up to couple with a 40 year-old undischarged bankrupt in Lloydminster who lives in his dad's basement, works intermittently at low-wage jobs, and owes $122K+ in a summary defamation judgment.
