Monday, May 31, 2021

Scam? What scam?

Puttering around YouTube this weekend, and came across this delightful 3-minute video from renowned huckster and con man Frank Abagnale ("Catch Me If You Can"), who lets us in on two "red flags" that suggest you're about to be fleeced:

and you'll never guess the first red flag. Go on, guess. You'll never guess. OK, here you go:

Sound familiar? Well, of course it does, and in case you haven't been paying attention:

  • Ezra Levant: "With no warning, our 'banker' just called in our loan! We need $380,000 right now, or we might have to shut down!"
  • Ezra Levant: "With no warning, we've just been de-monetized by YouTube! We need a million dollars right now, or we might have to shut down!"
  • Ezra Levant: "With no warning, we've just been cancelled by PayPal! We need 487 skajillion dollars and the keys to your Range Rover right now, or we might have to shut down!"

I'm glad we had this little chat.

SPEAKING OF URGENCY ... as Abagnale suggests, a typical feature of your common scam is the presence of urgency; an insistence that things need to be done quickly and decisions must be made without delay. Oh, look:

Yes, that would be the literary dumpster fire that is Rebel's latest hate-on for its newest targets, transgender people. But hurry ... get your copy before it's banned!

I think I've made my point.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    There's also the frequent "Help, our reporter (or a white, evangelical Christian pastor) has been arrested, we need thousands of dollars to get them out of jail!!!", even as the person in question has already been released. It's just one financial crisis after another with Ezra.

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    I like how interviewing Babs Kay is celebrated as an "EXCLUSIVE" interview, as if anyone else would want to talk to that demented bigot.
