Thursday, May 13, 2021

Has anyone checked in with Rebel News' Adam Soos lately?

Quick note about all the recent crunchy goodness related to Rebel News and The Democracy Fund, specifically about Rebel News' new journalistic goober Adam Soos and his arguably imprudent public assurance that not a single penny of those donations was going to Rebel News:

when, by now, numerous people have confirmed that their donations ostensibly to The Democracy Fund are showing up on their credit card statements as being processed by:

and if you wanted to touch base with Adam and see if his position has changed at all, well, you can find that tweet here.

And be polite. Politeness doesn't cost you anything.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Just in case he deletes that tweet, I've already taken a screenshot.

  2. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Comment added, with civility turned up to 11. Let's see what happens.
