Friday, May 14, 2021


Here's Rebel News' Ezra Levant, insisting that if you don't feel like wearing a mask, you don't have to, and no one can make you, and you don't have to explain yourself:

and additionally grifting $37 for a t-shirt that announces that, yes, you're a smug, arrogant asshole who doesn't care who you might infect:

and here's the province of Alberta telling Ezra to suck eggs because it doesn't work that way in Alberta:

so if you just spent $37 on a crappy, worthless t-shirt, well, as the kids say, sucks to be you.

BONUS TRACK: There's a delicious irony in the scientific illiterates at Rebel News howling about the uselessness and unconstitutionality of masks, even as they fleece the rubes for a cool $25 for just such a piece of cloth:

As P.T. Barnum once said, there's a sucker born every minute and, these days, most of them live in Alberta.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Not to mention the fact that the Rebel "store" is selling "I Am EXEMPT" buttons, while piously complaining that some retailers didn't seem to be taking exemptions seriously.

    I LOVE their "store", well worth a visit. Dozens of Juvenile jokes-du-jour badly photo shopped over the same photograph of cheap t-shirts and coffee cups.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm so fucking tired of whiny Albertans bitching about how tough things are financially because of Justin Trudeau while they have the money to donate to Rebel News and buy $37 t-shirts and $23 coffee mugs. Fuck those people.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Interesting - no "Daily Rebel" today, and no announcement or explanation.
