Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Post-Millennial, Russia connections and rage bait: The state of Canada's right-wing nut jobs.

Right Wing Watch's Jared Holt lays it out for you.

BONUS TRACK: Holt has a short Twitter thread on the valueless cesspool that is The Post Millennial.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: I vaguely recall reading somewhere that The Post Millennial is one of the journalistic crapfests that is part of Candice Malcolm's pathetically self-serving "Independent Press Gallery of Canada", which is little more than some of Canada's most worthless, right-wing media outlets who think calling themselves a "press gallery" will automatically give them accreditation to get into legitimate press conferences.

What is odd is that one can peruse the IPG's web site at length without learning who is currently a member, so it would be fascinating if someone could supply a membership list, or at least point an interested investigator at how one could determine such a thing. The lack of transparency makes one just a wee bit uneasy.

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