Wednesday, September 02, 2020

None dare call it "journalism." Because it's crap.

As I alluded to earlier, a large part of Ezra Levant's defamation action against me is based on the howlingly absurd suggestion that I damaged Ezra's reputation to the point where he had no choice but to hurl himself onto his fainting couch, clutching his pearls and sobbing inconsolably over the irreparable devaluation of his pristine public image of altruism, humanitarianism and saving kittens from burning buildings, whereupon it behooves me to explain the definition of the word "behooves."

No, wait, that's not right ... it behooves me to provide countless examples of how Ezra has no redeemable reputation, in particular in the area of legitimate journalism, which inspires the first in what will be a long, long, loooooooong line of examples of the wretched dishonesty that is Rebel News, from the ground up.

This example relates to a depressingly dishonest piece published by Rebel News from back in June of 2020, wherein Der Rebel insisted that nefarious Antifa forces in New York City were disguising cups of concrete as chocolate chip ice cream, apparently to use as lethal projectiles against police officers during riots; I've archived a copy of that silliness here, which opens with the breathless insistence that the concrete thing is an established fact, as you can see for yourself:

SIDE NOTE: Given that, as I have explained previously, there is no question that Ezra is quietly deleting online evidence related to this action, I am now making sure to save relevant content to the Internet Archive's "Wayback Machine" to make sure it's available when I eventually need it. In any event ... onward.

The most interesting (and embarrassing) aspect of that wretchedly dishonest Rebel piece is that, oddly, it doesn't reproduce the salient photograph of the alleged lethal projectiles, of which there is a photo in the very New York Post article linked to, so I'm going to do that for you:

I think you see the problem.

As you can read, the Rebel piece mindlessly regurgitates the idiotic speculation that, "Three portions of the concrete were poured into paper coffee cups and flecked to give them the appearance of chocolate chip ice cream."

Let's unpack this howling dumbassitude, shall we?

First, those flecks do not look like chocolate chips. They're not brown. They're ... what is the word I am looking for ... oh, right ... green. One is immediately reminded of the time Lord Edmund Blackadder returned home to a house apparently reeking of smoking dung to discover that his good friend, Lord Percy Percy, had succeeded in creating a nugget of purest green. That is the level of dumbass stupid we're dealing with here. But I grow snarky. Onward.

The next immediate observation is that the two "containers" on the right are clearly halves of the same larger container, sliced horizontally, which seems more than a little odd if one is determined to create lethal, anti-police projectiles. If a regular cup produced an overly large lethal projectile, why not just use smaller containers?

Finally, the odd writing on the containers ... oh, fuck it, let's cut to the chase, as numerous readers immediately clarified that what one was looking at was nothing more than (and I reproduce the explanation directly from the NYPost article:

The containers were nothing more than concrete test samples, with the writing on the cups explaining the composition of the concrete contained therein. And yet ... and yet ... you will find no hint of this mundane explanation in that wretchedly conspiratorial Rebel piece, which seems odd given that the Post article provided that explanation only two paragraphs below the screechingly hysterical Antifa-soaked conspiracy theory espoused by the worthless hacks at der Rebel, as you can see below:

In the end, one could, I suppose, simply assume that the person who wrote that horrid piece of nonsense was a blithering idiot, but that would overlook the fact that the author reproduced the baseless accusation while carefully averting his or her eyes from the prosaic explanation only two paragraphs further down.

Such is the lack of journalistic integrity we are dealing with here.

BONUS TRACK: That same worthless piece of journalistic Rebel rubbish also suggests that protesters were carefully stockpiling bricks around the city in preparation for imminent riots. That is also utter shash, as you can read here -- I won't waste my time eviscerating that idiocy at length.

COMING SOON: Rebel News' Sheila Gunn Reid and her execrable dishonesty regarding Justin Trudeau and his alleged funding of the Wuhan Virology Lab; you won't want to miss that.

"Execrable": Look it up.

COMMENTS: You can leave comments, but they will be ruthlessly moderated; I have no patience for trolls.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Why would anyone think they need to "fleck" the concrete with chocolate chips so that it can pass as chocolate chip ice cream? If it wasn't flecked, wouldn't it just look like vanilla ice cream?
