Friday, June 08, 2018

You keep using that word "inordinate" ...

... turns out it means exactly what you thought it means.

It was back in 2010 that I had had enough of the malicious defamation of one Patrick "Outlaw Tory" Ross, the outcome of which can be seen here -- a default judgment awarded to me of $75,000, plus $10,000 in costs.

Fast forward to December of 2012, when Patrick Ross -- having dodged and weaved his legal and financial obligations to me for more than two years -- did the standard "personal responsibility" and "accountability" thing conservatives are so fond of touting, and declared personal bankruptcy.

Fast forward yet again to April of 2014, when Patrick Ross finally (after much delay) had his bankruptcy discharge hearing, for which the ruling was released in October of that year, where you can read the unequivocal smackdown:

whereupon I will now conclude with the latest developments.

Patrick Ross almost immediately appealed that bankruptcy ruling of 2014 -- an appeal that was accepted by the Court despite Patrick being told that his appeal was not yet in proper form and he would have to put it in proper form before an appeal hearing could be scheduled. Despite the deficiency of Patrick's appeal, its conditional acceptance by the Court while Patrick perfected it was reportedly enough to put a stay on Patrick's obligations to start making payments, whereupon Patrick simply wandered off and left the deficient appeal in place to gum up the works.

Once again, fast forward to earlier this year, when I decided to get things moving again, and filed an application to have Patrick's long-moldering, dormant and deficient appeal dismissed as abandoned due to ridiculous inordinate delay. Patrick filed a response, the hearing was held on May 15 of this year, and you can read yet another unambiguous smackdown here.

The dismissal of Patrick's appeal now clears the decks for possible future actions. I will keep you posted.

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