Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hard to believe six years have passed since Matt Osborne left us behind. Matt was a truly inspired and inspiring artist and our community and the world are poorer for his departure. Ron and I wrote this song in an afternoon shortly after we got the news, Ron had produced some of Matt's earlier work and I had shared a number of pub gigs with Matt. When we recorded this track we were blessed to be joined by our friend Arun Pal. Arun is a hell of a talent in his own right and had played drums in Matt's band. Arun agreed to do the drums on this tune and laid in the keyboard tracks as well. Thinking of you tonight as the wind blows...

This song can be downloaded for free at my Bandcamp site. There are some other free tunes there as well and if you decide to purchase the full album of 13 songs you'll get 4 bonus tracks for free as well. Peace.

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