Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's amusing when they punch themselves in the face.

Here's Blogging Tory Walker Morrow, obediently regurgitating the latest National Post Conservative party spin:

... But I guess I should give credit where it's due. Or rather, let Peter Foster do it for me, in the Post: Flaherty wins one for the world:

Finance Minister Jim Flaherty seems to have killed the IMF’s threatened global bank tax, at least for the moment. Good for him. Also, kudos to the Big Six Canadian Banks for being bold enough to criticize other regulatory horrors being discussed at this weekend’s G20 meetings in Washington.

Mr. Flaherty had spoken out strongly against a global levy to create a bailout fund. “I’m not going to impose a tax on our banks that performed well during the financial crisis,” he said earlier this week. “It seems to me a very odd thing to do — to punish our banks that got the job done adequately.”

And, ironically, here's your humble scribe, who understands the concept of bestowing credit upon those who actually deserve it. See the difference?

I continue to patiently await the day when Mr. Morrow's critical thinking ability catches up with his obvious talent for wordsmithing. When that happens, he will be a fearsome and respected pundit indeed. Until then, eh, not so much.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I've given up on Walker developing critical thinking - he seems quite happy being a catamite of Connies...

    With a little history, these assmonkeys would quickly realize that rules imposed by Martin and friends upon the "free markets" are responsible for a lot of good performance of the banks. And, if anything that economist Harper and Flaherty wanted to loose regulations more towards American style rules...

    Taking credit for other people's work - how very Conservative... maybe they will take responsibility for their idiocy also...

  2. Our banks are absurdly profitable at the expense of ordinary Canadians. Nobody deserves any credit (pun not intended) here.

  3. I am a bit tired of hearing how amazing the Canadian banks are. One of the sisters - not the smallest - came vewy vewy close to a melt-down in the fall of 2008, having to go to the "lender of last resort" to get through the week and ALL of the others dumped their worthless paper on the B of C. Look at the assets before and after - notice how all those T-Bills and Bonds changed to "Other". What's "Other"? CDOs from the sisters.
