Sunday, February 21, 2010

Because Hunter's a lunatic, that's why.

Here's Blogging Tory "Hunter," yammering on incoherently like the raving whackjob she is:

Conservatives don't like to tell other people how to live their lives. So the idea of going out and protesting is foreign to us.

And here's Hunter, less than a month ago, bragging about their rally:

Stand up FOR Canada, that's what we were doing just a year ago... Notice all the Canadian flags and yikes, they are singing "Oh Canada" too. Look it's the anti-coalition rallies from just a year ago.

And here's Hunter, being the frothing douche bag she is, yapping about yet another protest:

This is a protest that the media forgot to cover... It is the March for Life rally that had 12,000 people show up in support of life.

And Hunter, one more time:

If you are as disgusted with this whole situation as I am, get off your butts and go out to the Rally for Canada on Saturday. The new location is the Alberta Legislature at noon, and I expect to see Stelmach and all Conservative MLA's out there supporting PM Harper and the Conservative government!

The war has just begun, but they discounted the silent majority. We will not be silent anymore! Rise up! Do what lefties do best, protest.

Shut up, Hunter. Honestly, please, for the love of God and to stop making women everywhere look like absolute fucking retards, shut the hell up. You're just embarrassing yourself.

P.S. Elsewhere, Unrepentant Old Hippie "JJ" points out that "Hunter" is stamping her little foot in outrage, demanding that we all boycott Google ... doing this from a blogspot domain blog that is, in fact, owned by the aforementioned Google.

Fuck, but that woman is a screeching idiot. Stephen Taylor must be so proud.


  1. I don't disagree that Hunter is a screeching idiot.

    But, in the interests of supporting progressiveness in all areas of life, you might want to reconsider the wording here: "Shut up, Hunter. Honestly, please, for the love of God and to stop making women everywhere look like absolute fucking retards, shut the hell up."

    Unless you're also going to argue that Stephen Harper and Lawrence Cannon make men everywhere look like fucking retards when they open their mouths, of course.

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Where was it that JJ made her comments..... I'd sure like to read the original CC, got a link maybe ;-)

  3. I commented at her place, offering my assistance with what *must be* her imminent transition to wordpress... haven't heard from her yet.

  4. Oops -- sorry stageleft, that was in response to CC, not you. Simultaneous commentgasm.

  5. "Conservatives don't like to tell other people how to live their lives."

    Good to know.

  6. Honestly, taraqata. IOKIYAM! (As if you didn't know that.)

  7. Why, yes, stageleft, I do have a reference to where JJ made that comment. I also, as you well know, have a recent policy to not link to progressive sites that allow Patrick Ross commenting privileges.

    So howzabout you stop trying to have it both ways?

  8. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Don't take my comment wrong CC, I'm not trying to have anything except a bit 'o fun with ya.

    The whole "and if ye shall allow he who's name may not be mentioned in mine bloggy presence to comment on thine site verily ye shall be banished from mine linky goodness from now unto the end of time" still amuses me :-)

  9. How is going out to protest, in any way equivalent to telling people how to live their lives?

  10. Yes, I have to say Hunter's temper tantrums can be amusing times. Like I pointed out in my post this evening, she's got to be right up there with Suzy ALLCAPS. Now that I think of it, Kate MacMillan and Wendy Sullivan too.

    Gawd, they're giving the left winged fringe group a bad name.

    So, has Hunter moved to Wordpress yet?

  11. I used to think the woman was almost cute in her total stupidity. Ever since her racist "joke" about Chinese people thought, I've decided she's just the sort of scum that have dragged this country down into the depths.

    I wish to god she'd lose her internet connection.

  12. Oh Thwap, if she lost her internet connection; where would we get such entertainment?

  13. "I also, as you well know, have a recent policy to not link to progressive sites that allow Patrick Ross commenting privileges."

    But of course, you will link directly to conservative sites that allow Patrick Ross commenting privileges.

    Gosh, CC, that's...really special.

  14. The problem with Google is they won't give up identifying information on those with dissident opinions. They spout some crap about democracy, but when they deny the State the ability to track down those who disagree, Hunter goes on the war path against them. Look at all the problems they are causing to China, the country that is supposed to buy all the bitumen in Northern Alberta if we decline to.

    Why does hunter love the CCP policies so much anyway? Is she unable to distinguish CPC from CCP?

  15. Dear balb:

    Your lack of reading ability is getting a mite tedious. Feel free to close the door gently on your way out.

  16. Nonsense remains nonsense no matter how carefully it's read, CC: and your arrogant non-responses suggest you've realized that too. Depressing how quickly you become what you profess to despise.


  17. Nonsense remains nonsense no matter how carefully it's read, CC: and your arrogant non-responses suggest you've realized that too. Depressing how quickly you become what you profess to despise

    Now now girls, try to get along.

  18. Uh, dude? Not to go all radical feminist on your sorry flat ass but internet girls rool. Internet boys drool.

    You're welcome.

  19. Hey Balbulican, why are you sticking up for PR's commenting, yet not a word to neoconservative about my commenting over there. And neo doesn't just delete my words, he lies about what was said. Where's your outrage over that? What am I, chopped conservtive?

  20. Bal's not outraged. Just perplexed. He's not the only one.
