Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dear Readers Who Are Required To Wear CCM Helmets In Order To Mitigate The Dangers Of Dressing Oneself

Should one arrive at this humble weblog site in a state of fullest dither and dash, smelling of gunnels and threatening to collapse with a debilitating case of the vapours lest the record (such what it am) be corrected, amended and otherwise put to right, there are a few simple steps to take to achieve the very most effective notification of one's distress. Now with extra commas!

Step the First: Read the names of the contributors and select appropriately (this can be tricky, it seems).

Step the Second: Levitate ones cursor over the selected name and clicky.

Step the Third: Once more with the clicky on the link to the appropriate Email.

Step the Fourth: Have a refreshing nap, you have successfully managed a new Learning Strategy!

Then there was cake. Or Jell-O.

LuLu here: I'm going to go with Jell-O -- cake can be quite dangerous for the catastrophically stupid.

I think it's all those sharp corners.


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Fine. The original post may be under the name Lindsay Stewart, but it is still CC's blog and he is ultimately responsible for what is posted here.

    I tried to be nice but obviously that doesn't work around here. You are all just so beyond childish.

    I will simply send the various URL's to Google and the publisher and it is up to them to decide whether to forward the information on to the U of T legal department.

    It was the original publisher, I might add, Wall and Emerson, who designed the cover, not me. So, we are talking copyright law here as the cover is copyright the publisher, not me. The design represents a multi-sensory strategy I researched and developed to help college and university students (with learning disabilities) prepare and write essays.

    In other words, it was extremely tacky of Lindsay to ridicule it without understanding it. And what she wrote was definitely not irony or satire, claims to the contrary.

    In reality, I had noticed the original post shortly after it was published and had decided to simply ignore it. However, a fellow colleague found it recently when doing a search and recommended I ask that the post be removed.

    That is all I asked, that it be removed. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    It's strange. I am actually a "progressive" conservative and Crux of the Matter has become much more on the progressive side, much to the chagrin of some conservatives.

    Which is why I just put up a separate politics blog.

    Which says to me, everyone who posts and comments here make up their mind and no matter what anyone writes after that, they are "catastrophically stupid."

    Lindsay, yes I am old. Yes, I am a senior. I actually turned 70 last March and am proud of it because most think I am at least a decade younger.

    I would ask you: Do you say such things to those you love, such as your mother or grandmother, or a significant older female in your life?

    Obviously, I will not be visiting or commenting here again.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The design represents a multi-sensory strategy I researched and developed to help college and university students (with learning disabilities) prepare and write essays.
    Shorter Crux: I'm trying to justify a stupid design...

    everyone who posts and comments here make up their mind and no matter
    Reading what a dishonest partisan hack (on your blog) that you are was what did it for me.... In the face of facts and the truth, you continue to be an apologist for Harper.

    Your blog shows someone with the intellectual capacity of a gnat. And by proxy, I really wonder how much help that book is...

    it was extremely tacky of Lindsay to ridicule it without understanding it
    It's a piece of garbage cover.... there is no need to understand it.

    Look Crux, you come off as a half-wit, I'd stay away from anything you wrote on the principle that if you are an idiot in your blog musings then there is nothing of value in your book....

  3. Sandy, I am very, very sorry that you are so troubled by the careful and considered critique I performed on your book cover. Wait a second, no I'm not. It really is a pungently silly cover design. Please, by all means forward the post to the University of Toronto publications office. I am convinced that they will be utterly distraught. Rending of the cloth and whatnot.

    And Sandy, I don't care that you're a senior, I never mentioned it in my posts and I don't find that age is a factor in these discussions. I am acquainted with some seniors possessed of enormous intellects, fast, sharp and hey, with senses of humour. Go figure. I have every faith that you, Sandy, were just as daffy in your youth as you are now.

    "I would ask you: Do you say such things to those you love, such as your mother or grandmother, or a significant older female in your life?

    Obviously, I will not be visiting or commenting here again. "

    Since you asked and since you won't be returning to check the answer, rutabaga! First off, I don't love you. You are not significant in my life and my mom had a brilliant sense of humour which included the ability to laugh at herself when she'd done something stupid. Mind you, being stupid was the exception and not the rule in her case. I never really knew my maternal grandmother and my dad's mom was a career British army nurse through two world wars, who put the quaking fear in combat hardened warriors. And I'm damned sure that Granny Stewart wouldn't have had a lick of patience for your wounded ninny act.

  4. Hey CC, it is all your fault, what I wrote. Fuck the masthead now that I know you're catching the blame I'm fixing to blaspheme and cast aspersions. WooHoo! I guess I can get away with it because I have a girlie name. And a beard. But not that kind of beard. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  5. Shorter Sandy: It's CC's blog therefore everything is always his fault.

    Pardon my flounce. Humph. Also, too.

  6. it's cold out and i can't get my turtleneck over my helmet. is there a better brand?

  7. TS wins thread. Film at 11.

  8. Anonymous5:47 PM

    It likely won't do any good but I thought I would stop by again to leave a link to an article I wrote about the strategy identified in illustration format on the cover of my book.

    The article, which was in Education Canada, involved my ten step "multi-sensory" strategy instead of the 8 steps in my book.

    Just start at Step three in the article and you can follow along.

    Or, you can visit Crux of Matter and read one of my latest posts on "How to write a college/university essay." The domain is currently being propagated, so if someone is not able to access it just yet, they can check back tomorrow here:

    If those examples are still too complicated for you'all, I give up.

  9. "The design represents a multi-sensory strategy I researched and developed to help college and university students (with learning disabilities) prepare and write essays."

    Does anyone else think this is cruel?

    No wonder these handbooks were snatched up by universities, as a strategy to rid themselves of annoying students with learning disabilities. They foisted Sandy's manual of compensations on them all. Problem solved.

  10. Sandy writes:

    "It likely won't do any good ..."

    Truer words were never spoken, Sandy. You eviscerated your intellectual credibility with month after month of relentless pimping of that fellatiotastic, worthless list of "Harper Government Accomplishments," whose newsworthiness rarely rose above the level of, "Stephen Harper had a magnificent bowel movement today!" So it's a bit rich for you to come around here, presuming to lecture the rest of us.

    Be a good girl and have the kids wheel you back to the home, OK? I hear they're having pudding tonight.

  11. By the way, Sandy, I await the day when you eventually realize that Lindsay is not a girl. Everyone else seems to have figured it out by now.

  12. Sandy, we aren't mocking you because your concepts are too complex to grasp. Jeeziz, you couldn't find the name of the author of the piece you were whining about, then you couldn't find the masthead wherein lay the links to our email addresses under the heading "Contributors". You have a long and storied blogging history of vapidity. Your magical mnemonic devices and strategies aren't exactly revolutionary concepts. Every student uses variations on adaptive learning techniques to suit their own needs, strengths and weaknesses.

    Hell, I went and read the sample chapter from your book and there's nothing there an undergrad couldn't have come up with in a decent library with a bit of advisory oversight. And I'm guessing that's pretty much how your fabulous tome came into being as well. You don't exactly leap off the page as an original thinker and witless pedantry is even less charming than addled outrage.

    Did somebody spike Sandy's pudding?

  13. Mmmmmmmmmm ... pudding.

  14. Umm, aren't these comments attached to the wrong thread?

    So. Just who is learning disabled?
