Monday, December 21, 2009

Because IOKIYAC (It's OK if you're a conservative).

Once upon a time, there was a loud-mouthed, anti-choice whackjob named Ed Snell who got pushed off of the car-top platform he built so he could overlook a security fence and shriek at pregnant women who were entering an abortion clinic, and we of the Left really couldn't muster much more than, "Yeah, whatever, he's a nutcase who was harassing women and we'd rather invest our sympathy elsewhere," and oh my Lord, we of the Left were horrifically callous, mean-spirited, genocidal animals due to our total lack of concern for a deranged misogynist like Ed Snell.

Fast forward to Canadian conservative Nick "Ghost of a Flea" Packwood, and his obvious delight in some wholesale skull-cracking:

I also want to second this sentiment.

There was one good moment at Copenhagen, though: some seriously professional truncheon work by Danish Plod on the smellies.

The difference, of course, is that those dirty, smelly hippies deserved a good beating, and Ed Snell didn't. I'm glad I could clear that up for you.


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Dropped by Nick "Ghost of a Flea" Packwood's site...

    Why is it that those that gravitate towards the right invariably end up being science illiterate assholes that like death and violence?

  2. It's amusing how wankers in general lurrrrve to collectively accuse those on the Left of, well, everything, but really, really, really hate it when they're called on their own incivility.

  3. It's been my experience that it's the Righties who usually smell bad: Brut, moth balls, yeast and flop sweat.

    Seriously, what kind of grown up refers to people as "smellies?" Psychotics like Nick Packwood, I guess.

    That guy needs a beatin'...

  4. "Seriously, what kind of grown up refers to people as "smellies?"

    It's popular among that crowd. Remember Anne Coulter's sophisticated and mature humour about "fragrant" liberal women?

    Clinically, it's tribalism at its most primitive, atavistic level.

    I wonder if something odd happened to Ghost of a Flea over the last couple of years. The late and very lamented Occam's Carbuncle, who I much respected and enjoyed, kept using Nick as an example of an intelligent conservative commentator. I did find him readable for a bit, and then quite suddenly, it seemed, he joined the Furiosi. Anybody know?

  5. Like how he managed to insult the protestors *and* the cops.

    There's a guy with no respect for anyone who isn't, well, himself.

  6. Clinically, it's tribalism at its most primitive, atavistic level.

    That's for sure. It's embarrassing that we as a culture are still producing people like that.

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That's for sure. It's embarrassing that we as a culture are still producing people like that.
    Are you kidding me?
    The right seem to be embracing that.

  8. Dissent and non-conformity have always been regarded by reactionaries as disorder. It is not a big jump from seeing something as disorderly to seeing it as dirty. So too, "foreigners" have always been seen as dirty and smelly. This is due to the fact they tend to dress and eat differently. (Difference = non-conformity= disorder = dirt.)
    In other words the predilection for calling protesters smelly is nothing more than a case of Authoritarian Personality Disorder and xenophobia. (Besides the guy is probably a secretly coprophagous)
