Saturday, November 28, 2009

It helps if you're a somebody. Like Stephen Taylor.

Via Bob Broughton, we have a short video involving Amy Goodman's detention at the border:

But here's the part that made my antenna stalks perk up:

"The Canada Border Services Agency didn't respond to our request for an interview."

Really? Because they certainly seemed happy enough to chat with Stephen Taylor:

I contacted a spokeswoman for CBSA and they explained that while they cannot comment on specific cases, “all persons seeking entry into Canada must meet all requirements” set out by the CBSA. Applicants for entry must not have a record of criminality, for example...

The CBSA spokeswoman also told me that criminality is certainly a red flag when it comes to determining a person’s fitness for admissibility.

And while the CBSA's spokesweasel clearly didn't get into details, it's just as clear that there was an interview involving Taylor and someone from the CBSA. I find that fascinating, and when it comes time to figure out whose ass should be on the line for this blatant violation of Goodman's rights, I'd like someone to ask why Taylor was gifted with a chat when everyone else was told to take a hike.

Call me curious.


  1. It may not have been an interview. Just a response anyone could get by contacting the CBSA and being persistent.

    But then again, who knows? Taylor is reliably oblique when it comes to detail like that. Probably because what he's really concentrating on are the little swirls his tongue is making around the head and shaft.

  2. So what if she was going to speak out against the olympics, anyway? Good grief. Do Conservative partisans stand for anything, anymore? Christ. Good thing the Nazis aren't planning to invade Canada.

  3. If by Nazi's you mean the CPC...too late.

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'd like someone to ask why Taylor was gifted with a chat when everyone else was told to take a hike.
    Given that Taylor continuously fellates anyone that is remotely Conservative....

    Taylor is reliably oblique
    "nuff said....

  5. What I'm worried about is does the CBSA read the comments on this blog? Are they going to ask me what I'm going to talk about the next time I come to Canada? Good thing I'm a Real American.

  6. Phff - I don't believe him when he says he contacted a spokeswoman for CBSA and "they" explained, yaddayaddablahblah, anyway. I think he's lying.

    Ooh - "lipoxin"

  7. It doesn't actually matter if that conversation took place. What's important is that Goodman is clearly a liberal; therefore, it was critically important to find something to smear her and justify her detention.

    If it wasn't that, it would have been something else.

  8. Sigh. Yes, yes, CC. I think we all get that part.

  9. Good, good. I just wanted to pound that point home in case Patrick Ross was reading.

  10. Now I remember. Somewhere I heard, I think in the online edition of the Globe & Mail, that DaVinci's Inquest was cancelled because Vancouveristas felt that the show gave Vancouver a bad name, with will all the talk about prostitution and drugs and alleged police corruption & c, and might queer Vancouver's Olympic chances. Someone asked where I had heard this and I couldn't find a link anywhere. But maybe the Vancouveristas are sensitive about this whole Olympic thing.

  11. Not the Vancouveristas.

    The BC "Liberal" party. Although the party labels are wrong--the "Liberal Party" of BC is slightly left of the Alberta Tories.

    Such sensitivity has included the abrupt passing of a law allowing the police to forcibly take homeless people to shelters, and another which could, taken to extremes, allow the cops to enter your home and take down anti-Olympic flags.

    There's the Free Speech Zones (I thought Canada was supposed to be one of those) and oddly enough, unlike China's Olympics, a no-fly zone over the city that makes it easier for a private pilot flying from Vancouver Island to land in Seattle and take the bus.

    So this isn't exactly out of character.

    Oh, and of course there's the "we-weren't-thinking-about-it-during-the-election-but-now-it-makes-good-goddamn-sense HST. (Meanwhile, the economy has apparently "stabilized" at a billion or so in the red ...)

    I'm calling next election for the BC NDP, even if they dump Carol James for a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll.
