Sunday, November 29, 2009

"And then whats-her-name said, well, you know! It was awesome!"

Shorter psychotically-deranged Maria "Dodo" Nunes: "Oh, man, first there was this, uh, female, and she said this mean thing about CC and then she left the Blogging Tories -- no, not her, someone else -- but she's got all these juicy "tit-bits" about some other people who hang out at this place and who have names -- well, not really names, they're just ones I made up. Is that awesome or what!?"

Then I popped over to read JJ, LC and Impolitical. There's a difference between chicks in the right and left bloggyspheres. Have you noticed that? I've noticed that.

P.S. The best part of Maria's cringe-inducing rant:

She is revolted by CC's attacks on the females at Blogging Tories ...

Maria has a point and, henceforth, I promise to be more polite and genteel to the fragile wallflowers that are Adrian MacNair, Justin "Raging Roids" Hoffer, "Neo 'Dead Blacks Amuse Me' Conservative", Jonathan Strong, Wayne, Jonathan Narvey, "The Iceman," Dick Ball, ChuckerCanuck, Jabba the Roy and the rest of the delicate ladies over there. I understand they're very sensitive.

And Stephen Taylor. I'll be nicer to her, too.


  1. ..."tit-bits"...

    you missed: "She has even directed me to a chubby hole..."

    Dr Roy?

  2. I did not "miss" that -- I repressed it.

  3. She found my batcave? What will I do?

  4. I think you've missed the essence by failing to quote her final words, which, if memory serves, were:

    "HAHAHAHAHAHAH Boy oh boy .... oh boy HHAHAHAHHA."

    How DO you solve a problem like Maria?

  5. I think Ti-Guy was thinking re-education camps...

  6. Balby, I'm far more interested in learning how to hold a moonbeam in my hand.

  7. Well, some would say she's just a flibbertigibbet, a will o' the wisp...even a clown.

  8. Rumour has it she's also as unpredictable as the weather and as flighty as a feather.

    It's just so sad ...

  9. I know. When I read her, I'm confused. Out of focus. Bemused. I never know exactly where I am.

  10. That post's a keeper.

  11. That's what screenshots are for.

  12. Chubby hole?

    (struggles to hold back raucous, dirty laughter)

  13. I wonder how long it's going to take that twit to figure out she's been punk'd.

  14. I don't know why she's so obsessed with me. I've left her alone in her chubby hole.

  15. you guys have a secret hideout, and i wasn't invited? i have nudie mags....


  16. Wow. She's bizarre. And not in a good kind of way.
