Saturday, October 24, 2009

There's gullible, and then there's screaming ignorant.

Blogging Tory "The Iceman" wants to know who from the CBC you'd like to feed through the woodchipper and, by God, he's done his research:

4) Heather Mallick: I have never read her blog, but others tell me she is the worst of the lot....

Apparently, if you're a Blogging Tory, actually knowing shit is, like, hard work.

BONUS DOUCHITUDE: The Iceman giggles himself senseless over the thought of Olympic gold medalist Ross "Regebouiati" [sic] running for the Liberal Party of Canada, then promptly whips out Maxime Bernier's throbbing manhood and coos lovingly to it.

I see "Canadian Blog Awards" written all over that boy.


  1. Gee, quite a coincidence that Maxime Bernier is back just when all this news is breaking about the mob running Quebec politics.

  2. That's not news...*sigh*

  3. Gosh, I totally fell for that whole "breaking news" line. But you're right, of course, Southern Quebec. Breaking news would actually be: "Mob NOT running Quebec politics".

  4. I just don't get how these people can develop such a vicious hatred for people they hardly know anything about?

  5. Life is simple when you can divide it up into black and white. "Iceman" knows someone who knows someone that doesn't like Heather Mallick and that's good enough for him! Yessir! I wonder if his old girlfriend gave him the name "iceman"?

  6. Hahahahaha - girlfriend. Good one, Southern Quebec.

  7. "if his old girlfriend gave him the name "iceman"?"

    Old girlfriend? Uh...hello! Libertarian with an honours degree in Mathematical Economics and an inchoately angry Bloggin' Tory?

    We're not even talking about the same universe in which things like girlfiends and boyfriends exist here.

  8. Is it a problem that I don't read Liberal Blogs? I only know Heather Mallick because Charles Adler is always railing on her. Was it wrong of me to add her to a poll because one of the most popular radio show hosts in the country despises her?

    Thank you for the clicks. I appreciate you sending me traffic, but are you implying that I am sexually attracted to Maxime Bernier? If that is what you were implying, that would not be factually correct.

  9. I only know The_Iceman because Canadian Cynic blogged about him.

    I've never been to his site, but I'd like to put up a poll:
    How many people here think his site should be taken offline? 'Cos a respected Canadian blogger mentioned him as screaming ignorant.

    Surely that's legit? Right?
